Flamethrower, Icethrow and Sparkthrower.
I feel like these would break the game so I have thought of balance issues and ways around them
First off, they would be like bombs. You'd have to charge them to use them. They would have an active time. Probably a three second shoot with mid-range.
These weapons would have drawbacks such as
Slower movement speed (cause they are heavy)
(Tanks mounted on back)
(Can't run while firing, only pivoting)
If you're charging or firing the weapon and your tank is hit by anything that deals piercing damage, you tank explodes and deals you some damage, along with being in strong Burn, Shock, or, Freeze.
I feel as it is a fair trade off.
Now as for DPS
It wouldn't deal a constant stream of damage. That would break the weapons to much. It would deal one direct damage, with guaranteeing the status condition.
Ex. A wolver walked infront of the weapon, wolvers are resistant to elemental weapons (which these would be obviously) it would deal 12 damage and then the stream of DOT (damage over time). But if you hit one wolver, you could pivot and hit another enemy around you, inflicting the base damage + Status condition.
Upgrades would go
Starts out as 3*)Weak Status condition
4*) Moderate status condition + boosted base damage
5*)Strong status condition + boosted base damage
I have put some thought into this idea. I understand how broke these weapons are still, but it's a decent trade off.
I doubt these would ever be in, this is just an idea and personally, I wouldn't want to see it.
Let me see the criticism and your comments to this.
And while we're at it, why not add in whips. That'd be cool lol
this is little overpowering. One reason, if player deiced flamethrower and gun with it make it better could make end of the knight's swords of all time. to the fact colliding, the player have to do is keep away as long as they can and this will overwhelming the boss, even the biggest boss himself.