Hey hey Knights. Whether anything comes of this or not I don't know, but it's nice to try.
I've had a stroke of inspiration lately and I wanna draw and write stuff. Fortunately, I'm on summer vacation and can do this. Unfortunately my summer vacation ends in about two weeks, so this is a bit last minute idea.
This is basically the same thing with my Spiralbound entries (which I hope to continue sometime FYI): You send a form and I give you free drawings and stories about YOU. Or your OC, or whatever you'd like. Did I mention it's free with no strings attached? I'm just really nice .3.
Only difference is instead of a short story (which is an equivalent of about two or three chapters of a book, and that takes FOREVER. ._.), I make a small paragraph tidbit along with your drawing. You only have to give me a scene so I can draw and write around it.
Again, nothing obscene or gory, although romance is fine. Just don't adventure into a PG-13 zone, PLEASE. And to make it a bit different- let's have them be summer themed if possible, ey? Throw in as many Bloons as you'd like, be creative.
Here's the form from my Spiralbound thread. If you CAN get a screenshot/another drawing/ETC. of said character then that is much easier than making a description. Please send something in before the 14th of August, cause that's when I leave freedom until October.
Gender (Neuter for robots and such, unless they have a preferred gender):
Race (Yes, you can have something else besides a Knight.):
Appearance (Excluding the clothes. This also includes eye/personal color, eye shape, ETC for Knights.):
Morality (Good, Bad, ETC):
Allegiance (Spiral Order, Crimson Order, a fiend corporation, ETC):
Rank (ONLY for members of the Spiral Order. If you have a rogue from the Spiral Order, this is optional.):
Weapons (if any):
Actions (what is the MC(s) doing?):
And here are examples of the style of drawing I will use. It's quick for me, will let me make a larger quantity, and still looks decent.
But if you REALLY want color, just send me, I don't know, 5kcr for a full color, background and all (if you want it). That's pretty generous :p
If it comes to that, my ingame name is Angel-Girl. Thanks for sending in forms ^^
Name: Manlet.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Jolly and/or drunk.
Race: Just a knight is fine.
Appearance: I just wanna be tiny, red, and have spiral eyes still. :D
Morality: GOOD!
Allegiance: Hmm. Dunno what these are. I'll go with Fiend Corp.
Clothes/Armor: My standard issue Almirian set! http://i.imgur.com/4dWW8Um.png
Weapons: Polaris or Arcana. You can pick.
Actions: Hmm. You can surprise me!
Location/Scene: Anywhere you want!