Lockdown is lockdown and you cant change it people AT and you cant change that
Then why are there no ppl casually doing no at brandish? Stop being ignorant.
1. Who tf has under 30 ping
2. Java
3. Players can't aim
4. Players don't possess a wide enough skillcap that would allow them to overcome getting fked by the average player
5. Lack of cojones
Some people brandish in no at weekend, and I don't see much of a difference. Just saying if you have 60 fps and a mouse with reasonable dpi... most importantly little delay, AT really isn't that much. seems like we're starting the AT war again, we will never reach a consensus. bcuz ppl just want to say what they think is right but never think of the opposing side. sorry for bad englandos intentionally no caps :((((
Oops Grand you forgot that ASI VH on almost every brandish used in LD... I really don't get that people don't rage over UV's the same as AT... Oops I forgot you're all rich and can afford ASI VH UV's sorry for being stupid not realizing that :P
Its not exactly always being rich that makes people able to get good UVs...
I mean, I have a ASI VH FF, Shadow Max BKR, and (had) Shock Max Snarble Coat.
But you know, I got the FF from 4 rolls, BKR from 1 roll and Snarble Coat from crafting...
Yeah Geo.. some people hack for their UVs like Smithia
yeah, uv ticket came out of a forge prize box. I used it on my arc... boom asi vh. Btw I sold it alrdy
Yea I know Smith people might get lucky sometimes and sometimes people dump hundreds of thousands of crowns and still don't get what they want.
I got ASI: low on my obsidian carbine after getting 5 fiend UV's 2 beast UV's and 1 undead UV and one time I got prismatech alchemer CTR: very high when just crafting it...
I don't think we should encourage people to go for obtaining top tier UV's as it's not fair for the average player to see almost everyone with UV's is better than them so they must get UV's so UV's should either be easier to obtain or matter less, another solution is to make an event (like no AT weekend) that makes UV's not matter.
AT is indisputably a massive advantage. Everyone who I know currently who have ever broken 50k(me, remet and elk) used AT for it and haven't gotten even close to those numbers without it. I also agree that UVs are an advantage, however imo it's mainly defensive UVs which are unbalanced since you can easily compensate for ASI and CTR UVs by actually not being ass at this easy game.
Ezho and Feller broke 50 too :D and a couple of people have gone over 45k ATless. Elks done it often. Remet I know broke 40k lots of times ATless and a lot of other people. And single max defensive UVs are expensive to just take one extra hit. I personally think T3 balance is pretty bad
Anyways I think everybody including me is taking this shit too seriously. Out of all this is a game balanced around pve, not pvp. Lockdown is supposed to be a small addition to SK. I don't think we bitch any further, the devs are not going to do anything about it anyway. Just try your best to have fun, I think its time to close the discussion.
they added no AT weekend and new weapons, maps. so i wouldn't say they wouldn't do anything about it
AT doesn't do much when you're under 30 ping lol