Very strange website bug.

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Parma-Tech-Support's picture

Science about 5-6 months my sk website(forum too) in mobile chrome always displays as spanish website, i've never been in spain, also my phone (samsung galaxy xcover 3) never've been there. Please help me, i seriously don't know what is responsible for that, any solution and recognisation of problem?

Parma-Tech-Support's picture

I checked antivirus, nothing showed up.

Flowchart's picture

it sometimes happens when you click a link someone posted that links to the Spanish one, it changes the site until you change it back.

you can change the language again at the top (it's the right most link that says 'Idioma')

or maybe try this link (it links back to this thread)

Parma-Tech-Support's picture
It works!

Thank you very much, it works! :D
Thread closed.