wow, i've just been everywhere for the past hour or so
Most people probably know that the way SK's camera is positioned, you get amazing visibility upwards, not so much downwards (which is probably why most of the boss levels are made in a way such that you move upwards).
However, this gets kind of weird when you're inevitably forced to move downwards and a devilite jumps out of nowhere and destroys you.
So, I offer two potential solutions:
1: Move the knight upwards away from the centre. This is less than ideal, since it now means that your knight isn't the centre of attention and mouse controls become weird, so this is really just because it's easier.
2: Top-down view. Wait what? Wouldn't this make everything just look like a helmet moving around? Well, yes. This is why it should be similar to what Link Between Worlds did: if you don't know, they made the world an actual top-down view, but tilted everything away from the camera so that Link isn't just a green triangle moving around. However, I can see this being harder to implement and it might also mean that view is restricted more if they don't move the camera far enough back.
Thoughts? Feedback?
I dunno, this is just an idea that popped into my head. Wait, isn't that just an idea?
I honestly want to keep the camera the way it is. I don't want every fight being vanaduke.
However, what if we had a rotatable camera?
And if stage size isn't effected by resolution?