general rantyness aside, why do the gremlin flamethrowers, which are OP enough, not only throw flame in an epic range, but bounce off every bloody object it hits onto infinity? seems not only ridiculous, but counter productive, and when combined with, again, latency/lag... is nigh impossible to avoid.
no, this is not a thread for you guys living 3 blocks from the server, because your input of "get better internet" or "lol, block noob" is just... short sighted and dumbfoundedly ignorent.
gremlin flamethrowers.
Personally I think they went a bit too far with this. The tier 2 flamethrowers throw flames way too much for the level of its tier. It's just my opinion but honestly I hope the devs can slightly adjust and at least get rid of the bouncing
Speaking of "reading", Gwen, youd notice i didnt say anything in relation to Tiers. and i do read all the mail and bugfixes, it hardly changes the state of fact.
The point is that you're complaining about a bug as if it were an intended gameplay element.
Crimson, Gwen is making the point that, in the normal state of affairs, the flame-bouncing only occurs on T3, and is not overpowered in that context.
En masse and in arenas they're dangerous because they flood the whole damn place with fire, but they're big, fat, slow, and they don't really have melee attacks. Get in close and gut them with your sword, or use your bombs to interdict the melee-gremlins as they attack your designated flamer-killer, or use your guns to make the melee gremlins dodge away from whoever you have killing flamers.
I find a needle shot does well for these guys, too. I find flamer turrets more annoying, despite their lack of mobility.
You know they SAY it's a bug, but I am sure that this 'bug' was probably introduced by Ian
You know it's true :)
No, Gwen was saying I was an idiot for not reading the mail and understanding it happens in T1 and 2 as well - something I did infact know about. What I'm saying is regardless of tiers, not only is a jet of fire, bouncing off walls a highly "what the ____ physics!?!" moment, but quite darned ridiculous when you're in a corridor, with 2 or more att the end, endlessly streaming it at you. you cant hide from it, itt bounces off everything. you cant run from it, you lag and get stun-dragged back to where you were right before hand - the middle of the bloody inferno, which then burns you AGAIN, meaning you cant leave, or you get... stun-dragged back into it, re-lit on fire, stundragged etc. meanwhile, one flamer dies down, other guy has repositioned himself, he fires again, other guy repositions, fires again and again... sure, if I lived in the perfect world that is America, where everyone has under 50 or 100 ping, access to any MMO that they want to play and a sense of self entitlement and idiocy that lets them say "Dont like it? Join the Oceania server then" I'd be fine with merrily walking through fire like Sephiroth, but alas, I'm stuck with my kangaroos and orange dirt.
-----added editty stufff-------
to satisfy my friend: "Spiral Knights is srs business".
What you're actually doing is restarting the 'we need an Australian server' thread.
Yes, it would help if there was a server on every continent, but if the game was reasonable to play with 500-1000ms pings then it wouldn't be very much of an action game.
No, Gwen was saying I was an idiot for not reading the mail and understanding it happens in T1 and 2 as well - something I did infact know about.
You may have known about it, but you certainly sounded like you didn't. You complained about Goblin Flamethrowers in general, then referred specifically to their T3 patterns. Given the timing, the most reasonable conclusion by far is that you weren't aware of the bug.
I'm not doubting that you knew, you just communicated poorly. Simple misunderstanding.
crimsonsteel your missing Gwen's point. The bug is that ALL monsters are firing the homing fire, not just (as it was before) the flame puppies on tier 3
This is a BUG that will be fixed.
Hey Crimson, do you know God Of Skype?
One day will you post a topic that's not a complaint about ping?
Gwen wasn't calling you an idiot. Unlike a lot of people's posts on these forums, posts by Gwen are usually informational and genuinely trying to be helpful. The reading jab was way over-interpreted, imho. But now that we know you're just complaining about hard monsters being hard and your internet connection, we can go about business as usual.
As a geared out 5* player this doesn't bother me at all, but I do feel for all the newbies. I think the devs broke something trying to fix the "projectiles dropping down to lowest floor" bug- which incidentally, is still happening, just not to the same epic degree as before (when rockets would all but vanish and pop up again). But yeah, if you've seen that forum post of the Deconstruction Zone level with a dozen Gremlin Scorchers waiting for you right outside the starting party gate... that's epically hilarious, broken and painful at the same time. Unless you're in full Vog with good equips, it's funny for all about 1 minute, and then countdown to ragequit commences.
I don't mind dealing with vanishing rockets if it means fixing this; I imagine newbies die far more often to this problem than I do to the rockets across gaps problem.
Actually I was saying that you get a lot of people that come onto the forums complaining of bugs without checking their mail that talks about said bugs (flame attacks, I remember some from when Snarby was bugged and not getting stunned, more I can't remember atm) and assumed you were one of them. Sorry about assuming wrong but you have to admit it IS rather common.
If you mean the T3 fire gremlins in general I don't have any advice for you. Oh, and...
"I'd be fine with merrily walking through fire like Sephiroth, but alas, I'm stuck with my kangaroos and orange dirt." Best response ever! :D I like!
Yeah, sure im referring to the T3 patterns, as the T3 patterns, regardless of where they are, is quite ridiculously OP - once you factor in the lag many nonamerican players have.. im not re-starting the QQ-need-australian server thread, i was saying (whilst loaded with irrational 4am emotion) in a perfect world, with under 50ping everywhere, it is of no concern really. in a world that plain walking from A to B is troublesome at times (hanging on walls you widely avoided etc), it hardly helps when the floor everywhere is fire, and you get taken back to the start every damage tick, because of the way the game is scripted.
why do the gremlin flamethrowers, which are OP enough, not only throw flame in an epic range, but bounce off every bloody object it hits onto infinity?
It's a bug.
Complaining about difficulty just makes me laugh.
Why the hell can't we leave signatures yet in this forum? Eury! Read this!
Replicant, it's not a bug. The bug is that it is appearing in T1 and T2 - which is not what this is about.
This is a bug. Gremlins are supposed to have a flame attack that launches like a 3~4 block wide wall of fire type effect. They are not supposed to have bounce shot flamethrowers. Those are reserved to Tier 3 Red Rovers and Vanaduke's fire snake attack only.
That's sure what it sounds like this thread is about. Your wording is very confusing in your opening post if you meant something else.
As I said, if you could reasonably play the game with a very high ping, it wouldn't be much of an action game. If a game can be predicted well enough that you know a full second or more in advance where to be, then for those with low ping it would be completely trivial after a little practice to learn the patterns. Asking for the game to be so predictable as to be playable with a full second's delay or under extraordinary (severe 'rubber-band' effect) lag is asking for the game to not be an action game.
I'm not fully familiar with all the offerings out there, but I'm fairly confident that there are MMORPGs that are more based on stats and strategy and less on reflex and action (after all, it is hard to imagine an MMORPG -less- based on stats and strategy and -more- based on reflex and action.) Those games are not SK. SK is certainly exploring a certain direction of gameplay that requires a low latency, and for that reason, they should look into worldwide server distribution, and also into better balance of server/client decision authority so that latency is less disruptive.
Nerfing abilities that create unpredictable situations for the players of an action game, however, is going to make for a very dull action game and is certainly not the correct course.
Actually, those flamethrowers are bouncing off NOTHING, and I'm pretty sure they weren't able to do that before (not even any T3 ones). So I'm thinking it's a bug all the way. The flames from T3 red rovers curve around rather than moving in a completely straight line, anyway.
"will do correct damage for each Tier" may be technically accurate, but the bouncing flame effectively triples (or more) the duration of the pounding you take. I would not call that 'correct damage'.
i love killing T3 flamethrowers. makes me feel accomplished lol
*sigh* ...I do wish people would read their in game mail.
Topic: Beware of flame throwing monsters!
Body: Until fixed in a bugfix release, monsters that throw flames will do the correct damage for each Tier, but will have advanced styles of attacks even in Tiers 1 and 2. Prepare ahead of time!