Apparently 1.3 million SEGA accounts could have been compromised,
Does this affect anything to do with Spiral Knights?
Apparently 1.3 million SEGA accounts could have been compromised,
Does this affect anything to do with Spiral Knights?
The only problem I had was to login with my SegaPass, but I can use Facebook to login too, so no problem.
Other than that, nope, don't worry.
I guess that the only ones that are "affected", game-wise, are the PlaySega users.
Haven't seen any complaints on the forums so its safe to assume that didn't affect anything. BTW, SEGA already reset all passwords
"Please note that no personal payment information was stored by SEGA as we use external payment providers, meaning your payment details were not at risk from this intrusion.
If you use the same login information for other websites and/or services as you do for SEGA Pass, you should change that information immediately.
We have also reset your password and all access to SEGA Pass has been temporarily suspended."