The Warriors of Ahktir are recruiting! Maybe! I guess!

2 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Kitarah

YOU there! Yes, you! Why are you reading this? Is it because you're bored? Is it because you've got nothing better to do? Do you just like reading poorly written paragraphs about guilds (probably) made by some amateur comedian with no life? Well, that's just great, but it's really unrelated to what's about to happen.

"...What's about to-"

THE WARRIORS OF AHKTIR ARE RECRUITING! Starting at the low, low price of 9342414541244352.413, you too can be part of this new sensation that (probably) no one cares about! If you like guilds, great! That's what we are! Do you like being in guilds! That's awesome! That is certainly an experience you will have with us! Like (~insert thing here~)? Cool! We probably do that too! So come on down to the Warriors of Ahktir guild club membership! Have some gosh darn fun with us! In fact, if you join now, I'll give you a free iPhone Whatever! GOOD GOD I'M LONELY!!!!

If you're still here, then you must actually just be bored out of your mind. That, or that rambling dissertation of nonsense actually amused you. Either way...

Warriors of Ahktir is indeed recruiting! This is a casual guild with no real focus or point beyond just being a group. A lot of guilds I've seen require a pretty hefty level of commitment, which I know has turned me off to them (since I tend to fall in and out of games a lot), so I wanted to make something where people can just... Y'know, chill. Hang out, maybe do some stuff, drop out for a couple weeks, I dunno. Grab lunch, see a movie, maybe stop at the pub, I don't fu-

Entry requirements:
-Be a living person that is alive.
-Don't be dead (is vry important).
-Be not dead.
-Seriously, do not be not alive. Being alive is INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT.

-Remain alive for your time in the Warriors of Ahktir
-Don't be a jerk, both to your fellow guild mates and just in general. We're all just tryin ta have some fun.
-Know how to take a joke. If you're easily offended, you might as well not even apply.
-Know the difference between making a joke and being a dick. It's a fine line, and it's different for everyone, but try your best to stay on the "joke" side of it.
-'ave fun. That's what we're all here for, innit?

Not a lot else to say. Come swing around my way if you're interested and let's have some fun! WOO!

Heya I'd like to join please

Heya I'd like to join please add me IGN: Roadice

i'll like to join the guild

Hi there, i'm a new player can i join ur guild? my IGN: Adventerur