Spiral Nomads is a nice guild that's just here to play the game.
We're a low-level focused guild that helps weaker players rank up and become one more of the Spiral Order's vanguard.
The Nomads don't have a big hall, or any guild tax worth mentioning. infact we only have 2 rules.
Rule 1: Don't be a dick. Nuff said.
Rule 2: Wait for the team in combat. isn't it annoying to see that people have opened all the boxes and you find all of them to just have a vitapod?
Whether it's as simple as snarbolax or as difficult as dreams and nightmares, the 4 guild masters are there to help.
Guild Creator: Kat-Ra
Guild Masters: Kat-Ra, Project-Savior, Robinu, The-Sasa-Worker
Officers: Currently none
Veterans: Any defender elite+ that joins
Members: Any knight elite+ that joins
Recruits: Guild is open to any and all knights.
To join, mail Kat-Ra or join this discord link here > https://discord.gg/TmjWFPX <
Plzzzzz invite meeeee