Last full price update on : 20/03/2019
I Reserve the right to change the prices of listed items at any time as i don't always have time to update the prices :)
CTRL+F to find an item you're looking for~
Some B/o's ARE flexible :)
I am open to counter offers and might take offers near my b/o price, post offers here or add me on steam/in game!
I also accept offers including other accessories/costumes! *Albeit at a higher price (overpay) bcoz resell~*
Contact details:
IGN: Celestial-Dragoon
Steam: Broke Chigga
Steam link:
CE = Energy
Cr = crowns
C/o - current offer
B/o - buyout price
Fiery Aura
Permafrost Aura
Sniped Aura
All Feathered Auras
Node Aura
UV tickets
Celestial Orbitgun & Saber (10ke for saber)
Tails tails
Trotters (all colours)
Sniped hats/caps/bicorne
Round shades
Fur Coats (All aside from Hallow & Frosty)
Tailed helms (All aside from Hallow & Frosty)
Seedlings (Bomb and Monster pocket)
Comprehensive WTB list --->
------------------------------------------------------ Have these |FEATURED| items for sale:-----------------------------------------------------------
Nature Sprite!
B/o - 10Mcr
C/o - 7Mcr
BKR Norm & Freeze MAX + Fire H!
B/o - 6Mcr
C/o - 4Mcr
Apocrean Disciple Wings & Apoc Crown Set
B/o - 4.8Mcr
Seraphynx Pod (LOVE PUPPY)
B/o - Unset
C/o - 80ke
Rose Aura
B/o - on hold
C/o - on hold
Flowertech Aura
B/o - Unset
C/o - 80ke
Clover Aura
B/o - 38ke
C/o - 20ke
Grey Aura
B/o - unset
C/o - 55ke
Vanilla Sniped Aura
B/o - Offers
C/o - 45Ke
Orbit Aura
B/o - 39ke
C/o - 25ke
Cozy Halo
B/o - 1.5Mcr
CozZzy Aura (Can make a deal wwith cozy halo)
B/o - offers
c/o - 50ke
Cosmic Plasma Wings
B/o - offers
C/o - 25ke
Diamond Disciple wings
B/o - 45ke
C/o - 35ke
Anti-Hazard spikes
B/o - unset
C/o - 28Ke
Prismatic Node Receivers
B/o - 35ke
C/o - none
White Chef Hat
B/o - 749kcr
Prismatic Rose
B/o - on hold
C/o - on hold
Prismatic Stagger Star
B/o - 13ke
C/o - 8ke
Golden laurel
B/o - 899Kcr
Mighty Great Cleaver
B/o - unset
C/o - 19ke
Volcanic Cat Tail
B/o - 500kcr
------------------------------------------ Gear, UV, and armor costumes: [All prices includes unbind]-------------------------------------------
Volcanic salamander suit + Flame aura - 9ke (
Kat Hiss cowl + hunter whiskers + regal scarf - 25ke (
Caladbolg Undead H + Const M + Beast L - on Hold
Winters edge - B/o - Reserved|
Dawn bracelet - 1ke
Regal Slime node Shield - 2.5Ke
-----------------------------------------------------------Various other |COSTUMES| for sale:-----------------------------------------------------------
Sleepy night cap (original) - c/o 13ke | B/o 19ke
Firestorm Raider Tunic - 250kcr
Galactic guardian Helm - 199kcr
Stellar Sentinel Suit - 350kcr (550kcr set)
Stellar Sentinel Helm - 250kcr
Tech Blue Pom Pom Hat - 600kcr
Fancy pullover - 650kr
Volcanic plated pathfinder helm - 350kcr
Regal spiraltail mask - 200kcr
--------------------------------------------------------- Various other |ACCESSORIES| for sale:---------------------------------------------------------
Circuity Eyes - 349kcr
Celestial Wolver tail
B/o - 6.5ke
Regal/Toasty/Heavy Doggie tail
B/o - 550kcr
Black Buhgok tail
B/o - 5ke
Gold Buhgok tail
B/o - 4.5Ke
Prismatic Grand Topper:
B/o 2.5ke
Buccaneer Blasting bandoliers:
B/o 2ke
Fancy Slimed aura
B/o 4ke
Glacial Devious horns
B/o 5ke
Heavy Sealed Pauldrons
B/o 5ke
Polar wise whisker (buy with white chef hat and look like a OG chef :D )
B/o 10ke
Autumn Lumberfell beard
B/o 200kcr
Celestial Mech-tennas
B/o 150kcr
Celestial Spike Mohawk
B/o 199kcr
Crest of love
B/o 399kcr
Divine Bomb bandolier
B/o 200kcr
Pearl Bomb bandolier
B/o 175kcr
Hallow Scarf
B/o 175kcr
Frosty Scarf
B/o 249kcr
Heavy node receiver
B/o 150kcr
Joyous Striped Scarf
B/o 4ke
Lovely Round Shades
B/o offer
--------------------------------------------------- SMALLBITS ~new~ (economical accessories :) ---------------------------------------------------
Hallow toupee - 500 ce
Frosty wind up key - 75kcr
Frosty headlamp - 45kcr
Frosty Mohawk - 75kcr
Frosty Rebreather - 1ke
toasty long feather - 75kcr
Verdant com unit - 50kcr
Celestial Bolted Vee - 50kcr
7Day heat amplifier - 1ke
Grey Intel Tube - 95kcr
Acheron ASI H
Aggro Aura
Amethyst Tabard
Ancient Clover x 5
Ancient Glasses
Ancient Lapel clover x 5
Ancient Pipe x5
Ancient Splash Trunks
Anti-Hazard Spikes
Apocrean Crown
Apocrean Disciple Wings x3
Aquamarine Chapeau x2
Aquamarine Tabard x2
Arcana ASI H
Arcane Halo
Arctic Shackles
Aquamarine Chapeau
Baleful Aura
Black Boutonniere
Black Buhgok tail
Black Rose
Black Kat Cloak + Shadow M + Ele & Norm L + vile cat tail (
Black Kat Cowl Ele H + Prismatic Halo + Dread Seal
Black Kat Seraphynx Pod
Black Kat Raiment (Stun MAX+ Poison MAX + Fire H) + Venomous Aura + Venom fiend Wings + Prismatic wolver tail -
Blaster ASI H
Blitz Needle ASI VH + CTR L
Blitz Needle ASI VH + DB Fiend M
Book of Dark Ritual x2
Brandish ASI VH
Brown Fowl Cloak
Brown Fowl Cowl x2
Buccaneers Blasting bandoliers
Buccaneers eye patch x2
Celestial Bolted Vee
Celestial Cat tail x4
Celestial Dragon Wings
Celestial mech'tennas x5
Celestial Nav Helm
Cellestial Nav Suit x2
Celestial Spike Mohawk x2
Celestial Valkyrie wings x2
Celestial Wolver Tail x7
Charged Raider Helm crest
Charged Raider Horns
Circuity eyes x2
Citrine Rose
Closed eyes
Combuster ASI H
Combuster CTR H
Cool Ear Feathers
Cosmic Plasma Wings
CozZzy Aura
CozZzy Halo x5
Crest of Curse x2
Crest of Love x3
Crest of Summer x5
Crest of Winter x2
Crown of Summer
Dangerous diablo helm
Dangerous Dragon Wings
Dangerous mecha wings x3
Dazed splash trunks
Diamond Aura
Diamond Crown x2
Diamond Disciple Wings
Diamond Flak Jacket
Diamond Toupee
Diamond Wolver Tail
Divine Avenger ASI VH + CTR MED + Beast L
Divine eye of fury x3
Divine Halo x3
Divine round shades
Divine toupee
Divine Valkyrie Wings x2
Dread Venom Striker CTR VH
Dread Seal x2
Dread Wings
Dusky Ankle Fins
Dusker Cap + Military extra vertical vents
Dusky Canteen
Dusky Devious Horns
Duksy Doggie Tail x2
Dusky Plume
Dusky Sealed Pauldrons x3
Dusky Twin Aero Fin
Dusky Wolver Tail
Electric Splash Trunks
Electron Vortex
Elite Quickdraw Module
Emerald cat tail x2
Fancy Alpha Vertical Vents
Fancy Giga Shades
Fancy Pipe
Fancy Vitakit
Fang of Vog
Fearless Rigadoon ASI H + CTR M
Firestorm Skeggox ASI H
Flame Aura x3
Floating Diamonds
Floating Peridots
Floating Turquoise
Freeze Vial bandolier
Frenzy dragon helm
Frosty moustache
Frosty pipe
Galactic Guardian Vest
Garnet Node Containers
Gen 1 pauldrons
Ghostly Aura x2
Glacial Cat tail
Gold fowl cowl
Golden Solstice Ring x2
Golden Laurel
Grasping Aura
Green leafy aura
Green Tabard
Green Tech Tailed Helm
Green Teddy Bear Buckler Normal H
Grey Cat Tail
Grey Extension Cord
Grey mecha wings x2
Grey Parry blade
Grey Spiral tail
Grey Tailed Helm
Hacked Aura
Hallow Cat tail
Hallow Devious Horns
Hallow Hood
Hallow Wings x2
Haunted aura x3
Hazardous Brigandine x2
Hazardous Diablo Helm
Hazardous Draped Armor
Hazardous Grim Mask
Hazardous Headband
Hazardous Hedge Coat
Hazardous Intel Tube
Hazardous Oni Helm
Hazardous Plume
Heavy flower
Heavy Game face
Heavy Toupee
Hunter Dust Bunny Tail
Hunter Splash Trunks x2
Imperial tricorne
Joyous striped scarf x2
Kat Claw Mail (4*)
Kat Eye Hood
Kat Tribe Fetish x6
Love Aura x4
Lovely Dragon Wings
Magmatic Crown
Magmatic Fanatic Wings
Magmatic Shackles
Magmatic Valkyrie Wings x2
Mewkat monster pocket x2
Military Chaff Pack
Military sealed pauldrons x3
Military Spiral Horns
Name Change pass x3
Node containers & Receivers, Crusher & shield (of all various types)
Node Field Aura
Obsidian Hood of Devotion x3
Obsidian Hood of Influence x2
Obsidian Hood of Rituals x2
Obsidian Hood of Sight x1
Obsidian Mantle of Devotion x3
Obsidian Mantle of Influence x2
Obsidian Mantle of Rituals x3
Obsidian Mantle of Sight x1
Omega Tortofist CTR VH
Orbit Aura x3
Pearl bolted vee
Pearl Cat tail
Pearl Crest
Pearl Crown x2
Pearl Node Container
Pearl Node Slime Mask
Personal Colors
Pink sweet dreams
Plumes (Various)
Plus Eyes
Polar Day Wolf Hood
Polar Night Wolf Hood
Polar Splash Trunks
Polar Twilight Warden hood
Polar Twilight Wolf coat
Polaris ASI H
Prismatic Bent Vents
Prismatic Cat tail x3
Prismatic Disguise Kit
Prismatic Dragon Wings x2
Prismatic Glow Eyes
Prismatic Grand Topper
Prismatic Halo x6
Prismatic Pylons
Prismatic Rose
Prismatic Stranger Robe
Prismatic Toupee
Prismatic Valkyrie Wings
Rainbow Valkyrie Wings x2
Rainbow Wolver Tail
Raging Champion Helm
Recipes of all kind
Recon Ranger Crest
Regal Braided Plume x2
Regal Canteen
Regal Doggie tail x2
Regal Field Cap
Regal Mech'tennas
Regal Node crusher & Shield x2
Regal Plume
Regal Side Blade
Regal Stranger Hat
Regal Targeting module
Regal Valkyrie Wings
Regal Wolver Tail
Regal writhing tendrils
Rose Aura
Ruby Node Receivers
Ruby Plume
Ruby receivers
Ruby writhing tendrils
Sacred falcon shade armor Shadow MAX + poison Low + surge cat tail
Sapphire Aura
Sapphire Crown
Scarlet Scout Crest
Shadow dragon wings x2
Shadow Key x5
Shadow Raider Horns
Shadowsun Slicker Normal MAX + freeze HIGH + prismatic cat tail
Shadow Tailed helmet
Shadow Valkyrie Wings
Silent Nightblade ASI H
Silent Nightblade CTR VH + Construct L
Silver Solstice Ring
Skolver coat Fire MAX + cool wolver tail + regal bomb bandolier
Slumber Crescent Helm
Slumber Cuirass
Slumber Glasses
Snarbolax Coat + Shadow Dragon wings + Mewkat monster pocket
Snarbolax Coat + Sprinkle Aura + Mewkat monster pocket + celestial cat tail
Solar Plasma Wings
Sprinkle aura
Splash trunks (Surge & Frosty)
Stellar Sentinel Helm x2
Stellar Sentinel Suit x4
Stoic Buster CTR H
Sultry eyes
Sunshine Aura x2
Squall Raider Set
Tawny Alpha vents
Tawny Fur Coat
Tails Tails x2
Tech Blue Bomb Bandolier
Tech Blue Carabiner
Tech Blue Fur Cap
Tech Blue Snow Hat
Tech Blue Unzipped Puffer
Tech Blue Vertical Vents
Tech Blue Zipped Puffer
Tech Green Googles
Tech Green Scale Helm
Tech Green Slippers
Tech orange Bandolier
Tech orange Dreamer Cap
Tech orange Scale Helm
Tech orange Hood
Tech orange Knight vision goggles
Tech orange Puffer (Unzipped)
Tech orange Vertical Vents x2
Tech Pink Pullover x2
Tech Pink Slippers
Tech Pink Tailed Helm
The Bitter End
Toasty Aero Helm
Toasty Ankle Wings
Toasty Helm Wings
Toasty Intel Tube
Toasty Pauldrons x3
Toasty Strangers robe
Toasty Swing Wings
Tome of rage (heavy)
Tome of rage (volcanic)
Treasure Map
Turquoise Chapeau x2
Turquoise Node Slime guards
Turquoise Tabard x2
Twinkle Aura
Vacantt Eyes
Valiance ASI H
Various Materials
Verdant Dragon Wings x2
Violet Chapeau + Tabard set
Vog cub coat + Volcanic wolver tail
Volcanic Dragon wings x2
Volcanic Halo x3
Volcanic Mech'tennas
Volcanic Node Containers x2
Volcanic Node Receivers x2
Volcanic Plated Wardens helm
Volcanic Stranger Hat
Violet rose
Volcanic Valkyrie Wings x2
Volcanic Wolver Tail x2
Voltaic Plasma Wings x3
Wicked Crescent Helm
Wicked Cuirass
Wicked Culet
Wicked Plate Mail
Wicked Plate Helm
Wicked Tailed Helm
Wild Aura x2
Wild Bone Pendant x3
Wintertech Prize box
X-Tall height modifier
& More stuff that i gifted/raffled away OR forgot to put in here :c