The version of software SK wiki is running on was updated somewhere mid-2017 after huge spam attack. After that, 2 things were broken as a result of this change: show/hide windows and sorting. I've decided to make this thread to document those 2 changes, but mostly to highlight some conditions to make sorting work.
Show/hide windows using NavFrame, NavHead and NavContent classes were still working, but windows using "collapsible" class were not. The new software requires "mw-collapsible" class instead. Collapsing via "mw-collapsible" class is animated and provides some additional features, such as changing the show/hide text. Collapsible sections via mw-collapsible can be seen on weapon pages (damage tables) and collapsing via NavFrame pretty much everywhere else.
See history of this page to compare both versions in almost same visual style:
Table sorting has simply disappeared from the wiki with the update. That seems to be because of 2 things: most wiki tables don't use "!" to mark header cells and there's often specified background CSS property for those cells (instead of background-color). The later seems to be a problem with the sorting function itself. There also used to be different icon for sortable columns, but that could be simply default image for this purpose back then.
I particularly miss the sorting. Many of my table designs assumed that the user would be able to sort on certain columns.
So are these the sort of thing we can fix in templates? Or do we have to touch every page that uses show/hide and sorting?