Hi there, I've been playing this game since steam release and love it.
I do have a few questions I'd like answered though:
1. If i upgrade an item (2* to 3*) will my UVs stay or disappear (I've got a + med vs beast bomb I want to upgrade). GOT ANSWER IN GAME.
2. What in your opinion is the best shield and why? Would it be good for me? I'm wearing the dusker set and using the calibur line. I almost always get into melee range but kite when overwhelmed, and thus shield very often.
Edit: Found someone to give me answer to question 1 in game, no longer need it (UVs will stay in case anyone else had the same question).
Well, the Bristling Buckler gives an attack bonus to swords, so that's nice. If you want defense up close, the Plate Shield line does well. I like Plate Shield for looks. :D