There's not really a nice way of saying this-
Spiral Knights is a bastion of inequality fueled by greed.
The F2P are locked down by orbs and then radiant fire crystals while the P2P are given a constant flow of costumes, reskins, and most importantly, UVs. Armor in particular is gated behind UVs and trinkets due to balancing issues, and the existence of certain pay 2 win gear (mixmaster/orbitgun) doesn't help the situation.
If you want people to play the game, basic decency would be a good place to start
The crux of Spiral Knights for many players is crafting new gear and finding new strategies. To accomplish this I would suggest but a handful of ideas-
1.) Armor needs to be balanced and made available to players. Go the extra mile. No more black kat/chaos route as the only good one. Players will still seek out those armors, but they can seek out say, virulisk suit just as well. I would suggest coming up with some interesting perks for armor, like the ability to go invisible or adding a status effect to weapons.
2.) Crafting needs to be interesting. More interesting than collecting 3 orbs. The original idea for the sealed sword was to unseal it over 7 trials. If crafting gear were like that it would seriously boost morale among lower players. So do away with orbs, increase material costs, and make scenario rooms that both require special combat and contain crafting machines. Make these common. There are a lot of ways of working this, but finding orbs repeatedly is awful.
3.) Paying for power in the form of mixmaster/orbitgun/celestial vortex is unacceptable. These need F2P variants, or at the very least to cost significantly less. Mixers are going for like 180K CE, which is like 400 dollars for the layman.
4.) UVs need to come with a downside of some sort. If you have status resists you shouldn't have health. If you have ASI/CTR you shouldn't have damage or charge damage. If you have damage vs X you should have damage decreased vs Y. It's only natural that this occur.
I understand that you need to be making money to support the servers
Continue your prize boxes! They're good and they clearly make you a ton of money!
But I do want you to consider a scenario that happens over and over. I enter a party with my mixmaster and black kat equipped. I tank damage, shoot everything, abuse heart attack, and absolutely destroy the level. Wow they say, where did you get that gear? What does it say about Spiral Knights when I have to tell them I'm a whale and that they can't get it? Every time, because this literally happens every time I play just about, they're disappointed. They know that they'll never get to where I am without spending money, and they have to accept that... or leave the game, and too often I think, they quit. They see the prize boxes coming in, and nothing for them... and it's a crushing feeling.
Which leads me to-
5) Make it so that you don't unbox reskins, you unbox a material needed to craft that reskin from a special machine at the end of a special mission. Anyone can play the mission, but only those who paid and got the material can craft the thing. This should go for everything that isn't a costume, IMO. Something like this would at least let me say that I earned some of my gear as well as paid for it.
I really hope you consider this. I hope I wasn't too hard on you.
Yes! Yes!