I have been waiting with my stopwatch set to 3:26 as of this moment in haeven 1 for the opening of the Lions Gate.
Me and some friends will be doing it as soon as it opens :D
Lion's Gate will open very soon
What's so good about lion gate?
this thread changed my life
New gates appear all the time. At regular intervals, even. There will be lots of new gates after this one. Why are you rubbing yourself through your trousers in breathless anticipation of THIS new gate specifically, is what I'm asking?

Why are you rubbing yourself through your trousers in breathless anticipation of THIS new gate specifically, is what I'm asking?
A+ post. Would read again.
Dude, have you looked at what it's got in it?
I'm looking forward to this gate myself.
I just looked at the Dark Lion gate, so someone tell me this, what's so special about it? Is there something special waiting for you at the Core? Is King Arthur going to ambush you and you have to fight him? Is there any reason why this gate is more significant than any other gate that's gone up during Spiral Knights's history?
The OP has gate expectations for the new gate, and personally I think that's gate.

Also note:
Elevators cost 10 energy.
There are red minerals to collect.
Basil sells recipes.
Guns go bang. Or maybe pew pew.
It just has a very good composition, rubexbox. Nothing more than that.
You should try running that gate. Then you'll understand what I mean.
Such a terrible gate, no arenas in T2, very little chance of danger rooms so many decon zones and in T3 right before the terminal there's two flamelash arenas on a ??? floor, talk about suicidal.
Lions gate is special because they made Fable 1 Fable 2 and Fable 3. Props to OOO for doing some solid cross promotion ^_^.