that's a good announcement there cronus
Preparing to uninstall after the cupcakes reappear.. peace bye
WHOA. :O Foreboding.
It sounds like something big is really coming up. Your words somehow speaks of a cipher that determines what's coming to us Knights very soon, Umbra.
We don't know what's going on now, but, given from the cryptic celestial wordings & the understandings behind it all, it's likely gonna take us by surprise.
One thing is clear, GH's no idle layabout.
It seems to me that Cronus may have accidentally "published" a forum post instead of saving it in editmode for later. Or maybe it's a reminder, like a stickynote or something.
I'm absolutely certain that the folks over at GH have an absolute mastery over SK's art design and are more than capable of adding to the game. Just look at the promotionals; the Ice Axe, Caladbolg, Orbitgun, Raider tunics, etc etc etc. But as I said in the State of Haven Discussion thread, they're likely hard-pressed for time due to holding day jobs.
I don't think SK is going anywhere soon, but at the same time part of me thinks that SK might not be going anywhere soon. There's always hope for missions or other such new content, but it's obvious that the GH team isn't 100% focused on the games they've adopted. Hence, Cronus either not noticing or not saying anything about the "temp" message in the announcements.
But optimism is always a virtue, and it's easier to be optimistic when they tell us next to nothing. So there's really no excuse not to be the least bit hopeful for SK and GH after they were able to escape from SEGA.
I dont think sk is going anywhere soon either.But i dont think we ll see major updates.I believe that they think the game cant bring new players anymore,all things have an expiration,so to work on a new update and not give them income wil be 1)waste of time for them and resources.With promos(that i hate)they keep the game running.If you like the game you keep playing if you are bored you find something else to do,we passed the stage of discussing what problems sk may has.They know but for their reasons they cant do something more.I hope to see something new but I dont thinks so..
The post has been updated!
It stands for "Temporal Displacement"
"Cronus" is mythologically a celestial being that rules over Time with an iron fist. The Game Masters of Spiral Knights are veritable reality benders, so it fits his moniker.
As for the announcements made recently by Cronus, two of them have This includes this one, a seemingly impossible maintenance date, as well as this one, an announcement of the Eighth Anniversary of our marooning long before its debut. Notice how both errors pertain to the fabric of Time and 4D temporal positioning. This is a prime indicator of the fact that Cronus, an Isoran with the powers of a Titan, has the ability to gaze into the future and retrieve the answers to questions we haven't even asked yet.
Understandably, the procession of Time is beyond the scope of the standard Isoran. We can think, feel, and fight in three dimensions, but the concept of Time and the ability to move freely through it is beyond even us. Those that can will occasionally become understandably disoriented, as some timelines may contain impossible numbers or displacement fields that launch an observer through an unhealthy amount of possibilities, universes, and algorithms in what feels like mere seconds.
We are steadily approaching such a displacement. Past its influence, the universe as we know it will be forever altered in ways we can't reliably predict. It's possible that through this gateway lies a 5* to the Spur, or the return of the Tortodrones. It's possible that we may encounter Almire once more, or that we may finally take the train of the dead past the Town of Restless Spirits to lands unknown. Perhaps we'll even get to fight sentient cupcakes and wear their remains as hats.
This message was no mistake. It's a warning. Prepare yourselves.