Whenever you fail to forge, you should lose your heat instead of your fire crystals

Think about it. It's good.

I'd love this as well. Heat is rather abundant and if you're taking a gamble with the crystals, it's a lot more heartbreaking to lose several hours of specialized farming or days of basic farming than it is to have to re-heat your item in your area of choice. This also makes certain items, such as heat amplifiers, have a re-surge in purpose and doesn't punish the player with busywork - instead it basically says "play some more and try again".
A much more engaging and nice system on the player while still enticing them to use more crystals if they wish to.

Maybe only lose a portion of your heat, not all of it. The game shouldn't punish you that much after all.

Maybe you should lose somewhere from 50-75% of your heat when forging fails? Or maybe lose less if you fail with middle forging.

Lose 1/3 of heat when using x2 the crystals and 2/3 of heat when using x1 the crystals is somewhat balanced IMO.

I'm gonna heat a lot of stuff soon so bringing this post back up :'3

It woul make grinding way too easier. And the point of being able to fail forging is for you to have to get the crystals again. Being " Punished " with having to run trough from 1.5 - 3 levels and then doing whatever you previously were is quite... Too forgiving.
Maybe for forging, maybe it could use a reduction in the price of fire crystals because seriously, for *4 and *5 it costs way too much. But really. I dont think only losing heat is a good idea


I can do some math if you'd like Azuresh. Using the heat chart on this page- https://wiki.spiralknights.com/Heat
If you were frugal you would need to gain levels 2,3 and 4 around 2.5 times on average. Instead of doing 3 levels, you would be doing 7 or 8 levels. This would save you a whopping 20 fire crystals.
It gets considerably worse for further levels-
Levels 5,6 and 7 = 3.33x the heating, i.e. +10 heat levels to heat those 3 levels on average; saves you 87 radiants
Levels 8, 9 and 10 = 5x the heating, i.e. +15 heat levels to heat those 3 levels on average; saves you 192 radiants
The first few heat levels aren't bad, but they cause you a lot of stress for next to no savings. The last few levels... well, it's going to take you around 1-2 FSCs to heat the thing up, and you'd be doing that 15 times. 15 goes at FSC will probably net you enough rads to use the 2nd or 3rd level outright.
The big thing that this does is open the heating door to newer players who can't do FSC after we add lost souls to it. With minimal victories they can slowly heat their gear to the level needed to take on FSC with lost souls, or dreams and nightmares, or whatever else drops radiants.
Okay Devs, you really need to read this. I'm tired of grinding to heat all my 5 star gear. I think I've been playing withe unmaxed 5* gear for like years now. I just gave up, after grinding for all those crystals only to lose them over and over again. I dont wanna grind 100+ Radiants just to level up one time, then do it again. I much rather lose ALL my heat than ALL my crystals.

Again, +1. A lot of people would return to the game to try out the stuff they were too lazy to try like getting new 5* weapons and actually heating them.

I don't know that this would cause a massive migration back to the game though such a thing would make me very happy.
Rather I'm more concerned with players that newly reach 5* and give up due to the grindy and repetitive nature of end game.

Ok, so on the surface this sounds like a good idea, but I feel like it is just putting a patch on a gaping wound. The issue with the forge mechanic is that it doesn't have any 'pity prize' so to speak. The outcome is binary. It is either you lose, or you upgrade your gear. This makes it so that when you grind for fire crystals again, it just feels like you are starting over again without any sense of real progress. All you have is an objective set-back. What the forge system really needs is to give some alternate rewards like a chance boost or something that makes it feel like you aren't just repeating stuff. The heartbreak of not getting the right gear is pretty bad, but if you think about it games like diablo/PoE have low chances of actually getting the specific legendary you want. Difference is that they don't just straight up give you nothing in return; they still give you other loot and stuff that contributes a little bit to your economic standing.
This is so yes.
Basically it's do you grind for more crystals and have a guaranteed forge or do you use less crystals but heat the same level more times?
This would also make heat boosters actually worth something which is nice. (get a whole bunch of crystals, get heat amplifier, keep using lowest forge)