I know Morai is the knight's homeland and stuff... But... what is the actual plot of it? What exactly happened that led the knights to have to escape on the Skylark?
Edif: oh, actually morai is something else
I know Morai is the knight's homeland and stuff... But... what is the actual plot of it? What exactly happened that led the knights to have to escape on the Skylark?
Edif: oh, actually morai is something else
Oh ok... thanks. And... yeah. GH probably aint thinking about the game's plot...
I have a wild theory:
Spiral knights were actually the aggressors, when Isora's planet core run out of energy, they went for a last ditch effort, assembled what remained of their once mighty fleet and attacked the Morai homeworld. They hoped to extract their planet's core in order to revive Isora's, the Morais were having none of it and put up fierce resistance.
Despite iron wolves' valiant effort in slaying the Morai Emperor, the Morais were able to retaliate with a massive surface to air missile barrage, ripping the Isoran fleet into shreds, with only Skylark surviving the onslaught. The mission failed and the Spiral Knights were forced to retreat and find another planet with less resistance... *and rolls the trailer*
well, that was dark.
On the other hand this actually answers a lot of questions I had about the lore. And if anyone is interested in looking closer at the lore I would recommend looking at the shadow lair pages, or the read what the echo stones say.
In the game our contingent of the Spiral Order has very little info on the Morai Wars, so we only know that they where catastrophic. I believe it safe to
assume that the Morai are of another race than us, but why the war? My guess is that the Morai where a world superpower, in this case the Ottoman Empire, and we are a powerful order of knights, like the Knights Hospitaller, and that we where harassing their shipping. Another question is why the name Morai, and what type of nation? I believe that the Morai where an empire, but they could have been a republic/democracy. As to their name Morai is plural of Mora, which in Greek meant a unit in the Spartan army. But other than that we will just have to wait and see.
Isora is the name of the Knights' homeworld.
The Isorans fled from the Morai, as they had been the victims of a near-genocide at their hands, hence the Morai Wars. We don't quite know if the Morai were invaders, or if they shared Isora. Further, we're not certain if they were capable of space travel. However, given the Skylark it seems likely enough.
We know that the Iron and Gold Dragons and Wolves were assassins focused on high profile Morai. So they had a caste system, and probably a government of their own. We also know from the Riftlocker that the Morai had siege weaponry that-interestingly enough-was weak to Pierce damage. This possibly indicates a level of biotechnology similar to the Combine from Half-Life 2.
It's likely that the Morai used Tearium as well-in fact, that might have been one of the reasons the Knights were forced to flee. Minerals and energy are great war-causers, and it's not implausible that the Morai took most of the Knights' tearium before they were forced to evacuate.
We still don't know why the Knights needed a source of incredible energy to save Isora. However, it's likely that either A) Isora was drained of its Tearium deposits, or B) incredible power is needed to drive the Morai out and thus save Isora for the Isorans.
Good luck figuring the rest out. I don't know if the devs even know what the Morai are.