I think that for a boss, he is a bit way too easy.. and he just needs to be a bit more agressive.
I mean. 80% of the fight he is just popping in and out of random corners, and all you need to do to avoid him is to raise your shield, then your regen can gate all attacks. And when he tries to do an combo biting you, you can just go to the side and he will just keep attacking the air.
I know that after all this time its nearly guaaranted no change will be made. But anyone else thinks he should actually attack the players often, dash into them quickly, The way he pops out of specific corners on the level before his boss fight that leaves you stunned would be nice if they would give more damage and be unexpected, etc. Right now he is just way too easy.
What rank are you right now, Azuresh? That makes all the difference.
I agree that it's easier once you get better gear, but altering a newbie mission to suit a Defender Elite is a bad idea.
Alternatively, I want to see Snarbolax boss areas in the Arcade in tiers 2 and 3 that grant one token each and a fair amount of cr, accompanied by a host of wolvers, lumbers, etc. The point of the Snarbolax is that it's an easier fight, and as such it should be regarded as an "elite wolver" later on in the game.