It always seemed meaningless to have a deadly virulisk armor when they have the same stats with skolver.Shouldnt have an extra bonus like max dmg against Jellies?
Do you think it ll ruin the balance in pve?I believe not cause we already have the black coat set that offers max dmg plus the max dmg would only apply for the jellies..
I think those armors are beautifull but they work pretty much as costumes when skolver for example can do the same job and cover all monster famillies
Do you think its a good idea to buff the specialised armors?
I really love the idea of specialized damage boosts being able to go over the +Dam MAX cap.
But baring that, my main issue is that things like Black Kat and Chaos don't seem to punish people quite enough. It'd be best to change how statuses interact with status vulnerable knights, making a status vulnerability a MAJOR weakness. That way, sets that still offer more restricted bonuses but without the penalty would be able to shine more.
I don't quite like the idea of instead boosting the strength of under-performing armors. Power Creep and all that stuff. As of now, it's the over-use of Chaos and Black Kat that is throwing off the game's balance the most.
The armor selection is unbalanced. For example, in my armor guide there is a huge block of non-offensive armor that is mostly useless. Some of it (e.g. Volcanic Salamander) doesn't even make sense with itself.
Perhaps the solution is to weaken the too-strong armor (as Traevelliath implied).
Another idea is to change how damage is calculated, to make damage defense more valuable on armor. Right now I advise players to go for a mix of offense and status resistance, depending on how experienced/skilled/risky they are. Damage defense is a less important consideration. Maybe it shouldn't be.
Certainly! I’d like to see armor sets that are specialized in certain monster families to be buffed from med to high per piece. Since we have 3 weapon types and 6 monster families, it’s only expected that armor sets that specialize in certain monsters rather than certain weapon types to have more offense for their monsters, this would be balanced since you only use it in pve, so no pvp gamebreaker here. Also, I’d like to see the “defensive” armors have more status resistances (3 instead of 2 would make them fairly balanced with the other armors sets).
Also, I think this thread should be moved to the suggestion forums.
I agree that the defence on armors is underestimated in the whole game.To change the damange it would be nice to give another meaning to armors but seems like a huge work and i dont think it could ever happen..
I definitely think that defense should be upgraded, particularly in elite. I'd say that on elite defense should be a more important factor, so if you take shadow damage with shadow resistant armour you take a LOT less damage (maybe comparable to advanced / normal w/ bad defense) and if you have a bad matchup you should take a lot MORE damage.
That'd also help nerf Chaos and Black Kat as their terrible status vulnerabilities would mean pretty much everything 2-shots them making them even more risky than they already are.
(firefox plz stop telling me "armour" is spelled wrong xd)
As far as armors go, they're pretty balanced except for a few of them like Ironmight, but I could definitely see adding damage bonus vs _________ to certain armors such as vs. undead max to a full crusader set, etc
The real issue lies with specialized weapons. The WHB for example should have vs. beast max, the CIV should have vs. undead max while doing less damage to everything else, etc.
Good suggestion. Also you might wanna move this to suggestions.