Sorry for being a dumb noob I'm stuck at rank 5-2
This might seem pointless but please help with orbs of alchemy

Rise or Fall has decent payout as well and might be easier if you need to solo on Elite.
You also might be able to do stratum 3 runs up to Basil, get recipes (Twisted anything, anything Pulsar, anything Blaster, etc.), sell them at the Auction House and buy the Orbs you need from the profit.

"How do I find orbs of alchemy?" is a frequently asked question. My prepared answer, with links to data sets, is here:
Are you capable of re-playing old missions from the story mode to gain the same rewards multiple times? Zero-Chill said to grind "The Sivereign Slime" and Tipiak mentioned "Rise or Fall". I thought once you got the rewards for beating that mission you couldn't get them again. Maybe I'm mistaken? Or do you mean that the drop rate for Orbs of Alchemy is higher on those missions? I'm currently looking for Advanced Orbs of Alchemy since I want to craft some 3-Stared Gear.

You only get the mission rewards once, but the reason why those missions are good is because they have a higher amount of boxes than other levels do.
By the way, really the best, most consistent way to get orbs is to farm out missions that have higher CROWN drops (e.g. Sovereign Slime) and then buy the energy you need for the orbs with those crowns. And if you're lucky, you might get a few drops anyway.

im surprised many people did not talk about this at all. a lot of people are talking about like vanaduke or the sovereign slime. Theres a 4 star mission called in cold blood. it has the most prize boxes in the whole game. if you play it on elite theres a high chance to get eternal orbs. the mission has 3 levels. they are all piercing themed. the first have wolvers. The second is based off of freeze and ice cubes. the third is mostly lizards. though there are some lumbers and puppies. This is a great place to get shining fire crystals as well. You get a span of 5-35 shinings. though the average is around 20-25. The whole thing can be done in around 7 minutes if you are good at dodging and have good rushing skills. I've gotten around 15 eternal orbs in total. you get 1 per like 5 runs usually. sometimes you get elite orbs. I had a friend who it was his first time playing and he got a elite orb right off the start. its a great level to farm and isn't hard at all. as long as you have a piercing weaopon and elemental and shadow, you'll be fine.

Yep, that mission is a good bet. Data on it (and the other missions) is in the link that I gave in post #3.

I disagree. Simply because it has more boxes doesn't mean it's better. It has a slim chance of red boxes compared to the granted 8 reds at the end of each boss-fight which always drop rarities it also doesn't give you tokens that you can use to get some gear to use or sell. One more downside is that it requires more preparation cause the monsters there are split between 4 types construct/beast/slime/gremlin where the boss levels only has like 2 and keep in mind that a new player who's grinding for orbs actually needs them to craft stuff to fight different monsters.

The data set that I linked goes into red boxes and orb drop rates. You are right that In Cold Blood doesn't have many red boxes. And there is a large amount of uncertainty in the estimated Eternal Orb drop rates, because not many drops are in the data set, because drops are so rare. Nevertheless, green boxes can drop rarities, and In Cold Blood seems pretty good for Eternal Orb drops.

Orb drop rates are rare. Estimates from lancer knightz are around 0.5% drop rate. To my knowledge, I was the only one to separate out red and green boxes, which suggest that red boxes are 3x more likely to give orbs (0.9% and 0.3%). You gotta take into account that this data is based on a mere 41 observations. There is a much clearer trend of increased fire crystal drop (from ~19% in green to ~27% in red), so there likely is a difference.
However, these differences pale in comparison to optimizing level choice based on crowns.

Something that helped me alot was this guide: . Although, when finding Advanced Orbs, I highly recommend buying energy with crowns and then using the supply depot.
Grind the mission "The Sovereign Slime" and you'll eventually get a lot of orbs, crystals and crowns. If you can't solo it yet, ask for help from higher-rank players, most vanguards don't have anything to do other than standing in front of the auction house all day and would be willing to help a new player improve. Good luck ;3