does it only drop from quicksilver danger room? (and only T3?)
Or could one, if one had exceedingly amazing luck, get it from any arena or danger room?
does it only drop from quicksilver danger room? (and only T3?)
Or could one, if one had exceedingly amazing luck, get it from any arena or danger room?
There is an uncanny - drop to theme ratio. Either way quicksilver is a treasure box only drop as far as anyone knows.
Drops either only appear in areas related to them, or they at least have a much higher chance of being found in areas related to them.
If the current data means anything at all you at least seem to have a better chance of finding Quicksilver equipment in a Slime or Shock strata.
in the romulas twins fight 15 tokens(this is part of the topic)
I keep typing "/stab" but you're still there...
how did you even find this thread? I mean, what were you searching for? lol, Or did you just pick a thread at random from 3/4 of a year ago and give your condescending answer?
50 Forum prestige points for Garmodon.
Rommil how did you not know that you could just trade 15 tokens for the helm? Wait, what, when did the twins launch? 7/6/11 hmmm. That is two weeks after this post was relevant. Garmodon you just had your 50 forum prestige points revoked.
Either way, it's 20 tokens to a piece.
Dukeplatypus is, in fact, correct, the Quicksilver kit is 20 tokens apiece. Both Sir-didymus and Garmodon fail.
Now everybody shoosh and let this thread rest in peace once more.
-10 forum prestige points for didymus.
This thread was created 06/20/2011
Twins announcement was 07/06/2011 Source:
It drops from treasure boxes. Any box, in any stratum, possibly only in T2 or T3. Ignore anyone who connects drops to theme, like Vile Strikers in poison stata.