New Spiral K forum (post and get paid) get free money just posting
[B]You can also discuss about over 20 games on the special forum created for every game, includes your game![/B]
[B]Gamers Gold is a virtual currency that you win just for having fun participating in the community. When you have some Gamers Gold you can exchange it for real money with just a request.
New Post 0.01 GG
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How can I earn Gamers Gold?
There are many easy ways to earn Gamers Gold:
Make valuable posts in the forums – Each reply you make in the forums will earn you 0.01 Gamers Gold, every Post and Thread you open will earn you 0.01 Gamers Spot Gold coins.[/B]

THE PLACE IS BAD ENOUGH WITHOUT YOUR A[I]DS. Trololol. Nvm, just get out.

an ideal reason why we ought to have a report post feature on these forums
xPlad u forgot this
>New Post 0.01 GG
Gee I can't wait to enjoy all that intelligent discussion.
Is this some kind of way to diminish the world population?
Nick already banished your previous ad to the Graveyard.
Once a post is banished, locked or unpublished, it's against forum rules to recreate them.