So i got fed up of trying to speak to guilds that didn't reply and made my own one!
I'm now looking for members! Id love people to adventure with and people can work through the ranks.
I'm a new player but i have a firm grasp on the game, we accept ALL player levels. From just into haven players to the people at the core. I myself am just readying to take tier 2 on seriously.
Dark order is about being respectful, having fun and just enjoying the game in good company.
Flazork (Guild Master)
HeatherinaOfTym (Officer)
1. Follow the games ToS. Anything not allowed by the game is NOT allowed in a private guild.
2. No begging/harassing of player from or outwith the guild. Seriously, it's annoying.
3. Be respectful of all other players.
4. Be an active member. Not really a rule, but it would be nice if members actually play the game with other members and ask new people to join etc. The more the merrier.
5. Breaking the rules is an instant dismissal from the guild and possibly a report.
I'll do my best to keep up to date on these! When im not working i will look at these at LEAST once a day, so you can count on being invited into the guild ASAP.
Just post this form here and i'll get back to you or add you in game. My name is Flazork in game too, so feel free to add me.
NEW RULE! All applying people must now have access to Tier 2!
This is to stop people joinig a guild just to be in one. After you have a grasp of the game and can make a choice about the right sort of guild for you, THEN i can accept you! Thank you!
In game name:
What you like to be called:
Time zone:
How long/often do you play:
How long have you played Spiral Knights for:
Voice chat?:
Current Equipment:
What level you play: (tier1/2 etc...)
Why you want to join this guild:
Solo/group play and why:
Would you join up for guild events with prizes?:
Would you want to excel through the ranks of dark order?:
Anything else you'd like to add:
I'll do my best to read these and you'll most likely be accepted, as long as you abide the rules!
Thanks guys! :)
In game name: Morket
What you like to be called: Morket Loion and Dreadnaught
Time zone: 1+ GMT. Same as Berlin
How long/often do you play: As much as possible. Going on a vacation in a few days
How long have you played Spiral Knights for: 2 days
Voice chat?: Yes but i prefer not
What level you play: (tier1/2 etc...) A gear piece for tier 2
Why you want to join this guild: People to play with
Solo/group play and why: Both. I like to play with groups mostly
Would you join up for guild events with prizes?: Maybe
Would you want to excel through the ranks of dark order?: Yeah
Anything else you'd like to add: Nah