Yesterday I've noticed that Double Aero Fin got renamed to Aero Twin Fin. Today I've decided to update wiki with this info, but I'm not sure what to do with the images, specifically whether to reupload them or link new file names to old ones.
At first I tried to avoid reuploading altogether and make every link point to old file names. Soon it turned out to be rather complicated and I decided to ask here what to do. I had written 3 paragraphs explaining the situation and listing what I can do, when I realized that reuploading the files is probably the correct thing. So I canceled the post and went back to wiki, reuploaded 1 icon image, got conflicted again and went here again.
So, what to do? Reupload or link to old ones? Generally everything gets reuploaded and links are made only for big files as far as I know, what in this case would be the animation. If reupload, add delete tag to old images? I already did that with that 1 icon image.
Or perhaps ask GMs for moving the files?
Do the image file names need to match the wiki page names, for the sake of some automated template? If so, then reupload the images, to make that automation work. And try to delete the old images.
In general, it's nice not to have orphaned images cluttering up the wiki. But don't agonize over it, if it keeps you from creating or improving articles. New content is always more valuable than organization, tidying up, etc. (although that kind of polish is nice to do eventually).
Don't forget to redirect Double Aero Fin to Aero Twin Fin.
Those are my opinions. Thanks for your work. :)