Right now, shield bash works well for what it does, but its kinda boring and players have VERY little incentive to use it. i suggest that each shield retains the bash ability until it becomes a 5* item. further more, shields use half their power bar, but the other half functions like a timer (in some cases) for whatever ability they have. for example:
Omega Shell- makes the user invulnerable, but cannot attack. since it is only for one person, another cannot stand directly on top of you to avoid damage, they would have to stand behind you.*
Grey Owlite Shield- hold the shield in front of you to make a cone of light that stuns foes (possible added effect of warding off black kats, but i leave that to the community to argue).*
Heater Shield- slam the ground and create an AOE that lights everything on fire within the radius for 1 or 2 seconds.#
Ancient Plate Shield- keep the shield bash ability (to keep in line with how trojans work) but now is able to neutralize the trojan shield bash.*
Dragon Scale Shield- hurl your shield at an enemy dealing elemental damage and knocking them down (no stun effect).#
Dread Skelly Shield- create a fear aura causing enemies to run away from you (undead are immune, but not fiends).*
Ironmight Plate Shield- Hold your shield out in front of you and make a wall of light. enemies cannot pass through the wall, but allies can attack through the wall.#
Royal Jelly Shield- hold your shield up, enemies who touch your shield get bumped back.*
Volcanic Plate Shield- slam the ground knocking down enemies in AOE.#
Aegis- immune to all status effects.*
Crest of Almire- create a fear aura causing enemies to run away from you (fiends are immune, but not undead).*
Barbarous Thorn Shield- hurl your shield at an enemy dealing pierce damage and stunning them for 1 or 2 seconds.#
The Tortodrone shields stay the same.
Celestial Shield- a meteor hits the nearest enemy in range (or click a target), knocking them down and stunning them. meteor also explodes giving the same effect to everything (this includes players) within range.#
Power Mitt- create an aura of ice around user.*
Teddy Bear Buckler- create an aura of sleep.*
*-attacking cancels effect
#-instant, has no timer
i know some of these are not great ideas, but i want some feedback an this. the problem is that shield bash (as it stands right now) is dull and people like variety. thank you for your time.
Instead of replacing the actual shield bash, you could use these ideas to fund an enhanced shield bash that drains the whole health of your shield.
Also it kinda sounds like the ideas are inspired from a certain MOBA game, amirite? :D