im an old player and besides gambling for UVs which i really don't want to do the only thing left for me is to make a black kat set. but i can't even do that because the event is held every 6 months for 2 weeks. so i feel like i'm held back from accomplishing my only goal and have nothing at all to strive for. why did they have to make black kat so good dammit?
does anyone else have no desire to play the game unless the kat event is on?
This is probably going to turn into another "What keeps you playing?" thread, which is fine. Meanwhile, let me take another angle:
What happens once you get Black Kat gear? Then do you stop playing? If so, then you won't really use your Black Kat gear. So what is the point of getting it in the first place?
Maybe the point is just the sense of achievement. You like "ticking off boxes". If so, that's okay. Don't let me stop you.
But maybe you just don't enjoy the act of playing Spiral Knights any more. So consider taking a hiatus. Keep an ear out for the occasional releases, and return when there's new content, use it up, then go on hiatus again. This is what most of my old friends do.
...and return when there's new content...
And he was never seen again.
i feel like i'm held back from accomplishing my only goal
why did they have to make black kat so good dammit?
Well, you answered your own question there, they are trying to hook you.
Is that black kat stuff some absolute end-game gear everyone aims to?
Yes. End-game players are good at dodging the AI, so they don't need much defense. So they turn to Black Kat and Chaos. And end-game players know how to get CTR UVs, so Black Kat is preferable to Chaos. It is the ultimate armor.
Rarity also contributes to desirability. Compare to Darkfang Shield, which is sought-after because it is rare, not because it is good.
You quit after the introduction of Black Kat Cowl, so I would expect you to know it, but maybe you've forgotten.
It's not hard to get bk nowadays. And it's a lot cheaper. When i made mine the runs costed 5ke each, i was one of the first few to craft Black Kat Raiment. But without the event you'd either have to buy from other player or wait until event.
Yea the game doesn't show much interesting stuff to do apart from bk event, most profitable and the most tiresome
I lost motivation to farm for it because I always go too hardcore and almost killed myself once because of it. Farming FSC with one alt has the same profit as farming this event without alts but that doesn't count the tokens which can be countered by rads and eternals anyway. Just something so you feel better about yourself if you aren't good enough at farming this event but better at farming FSC. I don't plan on farming that event again, I'm just so burnt out of this game cause of it.
I used to love the black kat event. Everyone in the guild would split up, run their own instance of candlestick keep, then shout out in guild chat when they saw a black. The result was most of the guild were fighting kats back-to-back.
Fast forward a few events. You can't invite people to kats. Books are rarer. You need six books to craft the one thing that matters, and you also need six books to craft the other subpar armours that maybe you want even though you know it's factually a giant waste of precious resources. The only viable strategy is to speedrun completely alone and potentially go 40 minutes without ever seeing a kat (happened the last time I touched the event). Teamwork is gone. Everything is reduced to a one-armed bandit where time goes in, nothing comes out.
It's a striking metaphor for the game as a whole.
The black kat event really highlights how important it is for you to spend money on the game and let other people do the grinding for you.
If your method is to farm 6 books + give away hats and slots to friends then of course you're going to quit the game and develop mods for EDF all the time, leaving your funny friend Fehzor incredibly lonely. I know I would feel awfully guilty if I did that. Zeddy. Rather you should just farm casually, fail to get a book, pay up to get one book and some extra CE, do a round robin with your book and buy two slots, and then run dreams and nightmares forever.
This is pretty much how the game is and it's not a bad thing because it's a cycle that repeats itself endlessly and will never end because of it. You pay the devs, you get cosmetics, you get to play dress up and make slurping noises with your weird (and AWESOME) biohazard reskin thing and then next month you do it all over again. If you don't like it you can go play ranch slimes with Nick and Krakob.
Well, I personally don't feel much tempted with the black kat event, but I get the feeling that you have for Black Kat with the Grinchlin Assault mission - which is even rare and even more awesome :3
Well, I did not play for a long time. The last thing I have seen beeing updated were Sleep Bombs and those upgrades to the Cautery Sword and the Slime Casino.
Any news?
See this wiki page for a succinct update history excluding cosmetics:
There has been no new content since September 2017 other than cosmetics. I would love to be corrected if I'm wrong.
Edit: I've added the style kit update of 2017-11-04. It's a feature about cosmetics, but it's a feature, so it should have been included. If your point was that new features and content are lacking, then your point stands.
The only reason I still play this game is because of my friends. Spiral Knights as a game is one of the worst ones I've ever played (post-Nick), but I was lucky enough to meet some stellar people to make it bearable. A lot of people are most worried about losing their gear, money, and/or time when this game goes under. I'm over here being worried about losing all my mates forever. :(
P.S. Black Kat event can suck my left ballsack.
I stay because Manlet loves barrels =w=b (Hi Manlet)
But as Manlet says, I came and stayed for the community. The game itself has gotten stale, and the lag increasingly unbearable...
Why? Because grinding sucks the enjoyment out of the game. Sure, it can be a little fun if your guild is all in on it or a small group of friends, but eventually it kills the pleasure of the game. You certainly don't need the Kat armor for its power or aesthetics.
I can still enjoy the game after over 7 years because I don't overplay it now and I take extended breaks from the game from time to time.
I've recently started really enjoying the game again because I persuaded one of my real-life friends to start playing. Helping new players along has always been very gratifying for me and is a way to keep the game fresh and fun.
Admittedly, I don't play much myself, however I mainly focused on farming cr/rads to buy UV'd versions of weps I like. Let other people gamble for that, I'll just buy the end product. Likewise for Black Kat stuff. Again, I've never seen a book in person unless someone was starting the Margrel Fight, I just buy slots.
However, the main reason I play is the people. As I said, I don't play much myself right now because most of my friends have drifted on to other games. But every now and then I come back for the people to restart a guild or go for an SL run.