I hope I am posting this in the right place, this is regarding vanaduke boss fight:
Can it be affected by other freezing weapons except shivermist buster? I want to use permafroster on him for example or winter grave.
Can it be affected by other status effects from guns/swords except freezing?
Question about boss mechanics(vanaduke)
I think shivermist buster is the only good freeze weapon that can hold vana in place.
I've heard of a few hipsters using the Hail Driver against Vana. Supposedly, the shots will bounce off his fireballs. So if you can get a charge shot past his fire shield they bounce like crazy, while still freezing Vana in place.
I've beaten Vanaduke using Hail Driver, but not since 2011 or 2012. I don't remember anything special about the bounces.
A less known fact is that Savage Tortofist is the better freezing weapon for this fight. Lord Vanaduke can't walk or dash past the lodged shards while also taking a decent amount of damage, with teammates that got the slightest idea of how that weapon's charge works you can finish the fight as safe as a Shivermist Buster party but faster enough to make you vendor that piece of trash.
When I was a bomber and had all bombs in the game, I almost never used Shivermist Buster, although it seems useful in the first glance, it kills me and my party more often than not. Would rather use Torpor Tantrum even in Compound 42 and would rather use Dark Retribution/Dark Briar Barrage/piercing shard bomb on Lord Vanaduke the stun shards would be especially useful since you actually do damage with it.
WTS Savage Tortofist (CTR: med) BTW xD
It's been a long time since I've tried statuses on Vanaduke, but my recollection is that he can take various statuses from various weapons. For example, shock from Voltaic Tempest or freeze from Hail Driver. Why not?
You might want to be careful with Permafroster and Winter Grave. It is said that Vanaduke is immune to shadow damage in the fifth phase. The freeze would still work, but a non-shadow freeze weapon makes more sense in Firestorm Citadel.