This game will live on....

Some may know me, some may not....
But what I have to say is important... this game is not dead yet....
I left Spiral Knights about two years or so ago way back before Grey Havens took back control from Sega... I believed the game would slowly grind to a halt and that it was best to move on while I could...
Now, after all this time I am back... and what do I find?
New players.... a still active community... and a game that is still alive
Spiral Knights has slowed down in it's old age but it is far from dead, so long as new players come in and stay the game will live on.
As for what you need to do to keep the game alive... spread the word and help out your new recruits on here and in the game, teach them and care for them because they are the future.

...teach them and care for them because they are the future.
Just make sure don't give them too much stuff for free, they may get lazy.

Grey Havens acquired the game nearly 2.5 years ago. I would guess that you quit the game 3 years ago, not 2. Anyway, welcome back.

People have been saying this game is dying for who knows how long and it has yet to actually happen. I feel like people tend to look more towards what new content we aren't getting and not all the new players and old players who still play.

Dead means that the game servers are closed that is not up anymore.Most people with the term dead though mean that the community decreased a lot cause of no updates plus closure in the communications.If you see steam charts its pretty obvious,you get the picture.Another indication is the pvp LD.You cant compare it with the past but yes its not dead.Games have their momentum,I feel with sk the momentum duration could be longer if they didnt drain the game a couple years ago,but that happened so what else to say.Most people who complain for the no updates are just sad cause they loved the game and found that this game had a lot potential,in other words they are more dissapointed than angry.
...teach them and care for them because they are the future.
Honestly... I sometimes feel like a parent when helping new players xD