Not sure if anyone remembers me anymore, but whatever. I'm back from the dead with another proposal for quantifying Lockdown skill.
How the tournament works
(I'm assuming guns and sword fighting only)
1. Instead of tracking wins and losses, players compete to get the most score. They win score by engaging in 1v1 battles.
2. Every person fights every other person exactly once. A matchup can consist of several battles and be on different servers, you pick the format. For large tournaments, you can eliminate people that have a score lower than some threshold after some number of matchups.
3. After all the fights have concluded, the winners are determined by ranking the scores. Ties can be broken by having a mini-tournament with only the tied players.
How the actual fighting will work
1. Both players start off with 100 "battle points" (BP).
2. Every time a player swings or fires, they lose 5 BP until they have 0 BP in which case they lose nothing.
3. Every time a player's swing or bullet hits, they gain 20 BP.
4. After the battle ends, both player can earn scores base on their BP.
6. The winner gains 100 score plus the difference between their BP and the loser's BP, which could be negative. So if the loser ends up with more BP, the winner gains less than 100 score.
7. The loser gains the number of BP they have in excess of 100. If they have 100 or fewer BP, they don't gain any score.
8. BP can be tracked by spectating judges and or verified in post via videos.
Why is this method better for 1v1s?
1. It penalizes spamming. A spammer earns a lower score when they win battles than someone who has better aim or timing.
2. It encourages using underpowered gear without making it mandatory. If a person is confident in their skill, they can choose to use weaker weapons so they can land more hits before making the kill. Since every landed hit increases their BP, this will boost the score they earn.
3. It gives credit to people who put up good fights. Sometimes a person is just completely outclassed in terms of their ping or gear. They should be able to earn some points for whatever hits they do manage to land. (The only way for a loser to earn more BP than the winner is if they somehow landed many more hits than the winner with a better accuracy than the winner. In this case, it's pretty easy to see the loser is actually more skilled and the winner just won due to being able to tank more or deal more damage per hit.)
4. It makes it faster to run tournaments. One matchup being delayed doesn't prevent other matchups from continuing.
A variation of this method lets you put a score on the "average skill" of a player by looking at their random Lockdown matches.
1. They start a RLD match with 100 BP
2. -5 BP for every swing/gunfire, +20 BP for every landed hit. A hit that damage several people count as one hit. Ignore swing/gunfire that happen when they are clearly not trying to hit anyone.
3. -10 BP when they are hit by anything on enemy team.
4. +20 BP when they KO another player.
Try it on Lockdown videos people post on Youtube! Are there any high damage players that actually end up with 0 BP at the end of the RLD match?
If anyone wants to host a tournament based on this format, I can contribute some prize money (2k energy?). Otherwise feel free to post videos on this thread bragging about your high BP score in a RLD match.
sois unos pesados de los putos cojones