Spiral Knights is REAL LIFE; use value is FAKE NEWS compared to SIGN VALUE; change my mind

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Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

Intel Agent Kora told me at 3 am (it was night time and everything was closed!) also please let us play as rock jellies thank you

In other news

I have purchased 21 volcanic party blowouts and would like to thank the seller in person, should they be reading this

And fighting polygon has illustrated the results.

Glacies's picture

I don't think Spiral Knights could be real. Think about it... Where are our toes? Checkmate.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

How can toes be real if feet aren't?

WTS....1 UV ticket.... 7 prismatic bolted vees each (Find me in game)

Ask me anything.

Crazee-Pi-Forum's picture
Remember, don't shoot food.

Spiral Knights can't be real because we don't get crushed by increasing gravity as we get closer to the core.

Or, maybe, Cradle is actually flat and we were made to believe it was round by Spiral HQ because they're actually run by gremlins who are trying to dumb us down with their lies!

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

Actually gravity decreases as you move towards the core. This is why vials fly further and further as you move down...

In other news...

Today I discovered a new item in game! The sentinel helm line- https://wiki.spiralknights.com/Sentinel_Helm

No knight except for skepticraven who basically doesn't count because he's only ever on at like 5 am has ever seen this item.


The fake world is very well simulated, but it ultimately fails-- if you pay attention to what the various NPCs (who are claimed to be "real people") say, patterns emerge. They're tricky, but they say the same subset of things over and over. "How are you?", "Hello", "Welcome to Burger King, how can I help you?" It's all the same pattern of things happening over and over. If it were real, well, real people would have real things to say.

In Spiral Knights we chat about a much broader subset of things and open boxes. There are real things happening, we're really working on the core. It isn't fake. It can't be.

Bopp's picture
where do the boxes come from?

In Spiral Knights we chat about a much broader subset of things and open boxes.

This made me laugh. But from where do the boxes come?

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

The birdsong trading company (or as their guild 'IRL' is known- Grey Havens) creates the prize boxes and items contained within. Just as we exist in Spiral Knights they exist in the supposedly real world, which is unfortunately where their interests lie. If they saw the light as we have and lived with us instead of in their false little "real world" we could accomplish greatness, together as a people.

We could even become rock jellies.

Crazee-Pi-Forum's picture
Remember, don't shoot food.

You know, you make a good point there about this fake world, which raises some questions about it for me.

- Why does it not allow us to descend downwards to fight monsters like Spiral Knights does?
- Is there a way to get out of this fake world so you're only in Spiral Knights?
- If you die in it, do you die in Spiral Knights?

Please get to these questions before the gremlins come and take us away for exposing their elaborate lies. They're hunting us down and I'm not going to get brainwashed like everyone else!

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

Why does it not allow us to descend downwards to fight monsters like Spiral Knights does?

That's apples to oranges in the lore of the fake world there is lava and hot stuff down there so we can't go past a certain point also it's manual labor and they make your character tired if you have it do that.

Is there a way to get out of this fake world so you're only in Spiral Knights?

No but I am trying I've figured out that you're always sort of in the fake world and that's how they control you.

If you die in it, do you die in Spiral Knights?


In other news

I did 3 shadow lairs it was intense but worthwhile I had a good conversation with the echo stones there about my life. Halloween came and lots of friends have stopped playing in the fake world to come hang out with me briefly which is really nice. Fangel talked about depression and how they were friends with Cronus on their discord and that kinda bummed me out. I wish that the Birdsong Trading Company reps would talk to me like that but they don't and that's fine... or better yet- Fangel could brag about talking to me! IDK. Things have been ok but I have to go to work in a minute or two. The developers value fake world currency and I have to exist somehow anyway.


The auction house takes 100% of my profits and charges me 500% the value of my item if it doesn't sell!

I also gift wrapped one of the diamond stranger hats and gave it to some random guy I found on party finder doing a T3 run solo. It seriously must have been the most WHY moment for him...

Ewbte's picture
"No knight except for

"No knight except for skepticraven who basically doesn't count because he's only ever on at like 5 am has ever seen this item."

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture


-an image without the substance or qualities of the original

Baudrillard offers that rather than not being a pipe, the image of a pipe becomes the pipe by way of defining it, regardless of whether it is a pipe, or an apple or an orange, or a cocoa snipe for 50 dollars. In a sense, the false world is built from the ground up as art and interpreted into reality, whereas the world of Spiral Knights remains at a purer stage.

Bopp's picture
not likely

I doubt that Baudrillard said any such thing. More likely Plinkop did.

Quintinius-Vergnix's picture
All other chairs are but an imperfect copy, as is art

Yo, this guy from a few thousand years in the past of the timeline of the simulated reality in the Greek subserver told me all about Go-err, Nick’s original perfect chair that all future chairs attempted to unsuccessfully replicate, so I went and found it.


Think his name was Plater or something.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

To begin with there were no quotes in that. I was paraphrasing quite a bit and only meant to acknowledge his concept of the hyper-real... our commodities are defined not by their function, but by their relation to other commodities.

Secondly, whereas Baudrillard was more interested in commodities, Plinkop is more akin to Douglas Kellner. As Plinkop writes-

"This world is an unnatural one. What you see within it was never meant to be here. The great histories of so many worlds endlessly churning through the cogs of this great machine... I find it quite sad."

This quote draws relevance from the current era of the fake world, where by necessity many cultures are mashed together under a shrinking world. We see this manifest itself in the concept of building walls between the US and Mexico as well as with the 9/11 attacks as well as with Project R in our own world, and of course with our own struggle for existence on cradle as a whole.