the mail in news says flash sale's' not flash sale so will there be more than just that snipe accessory if so when does anyone know
october 2018 flash sales??????
A guess from a raven:
They set it up to run, but they goofed up.
Instead of rotating a variety of items hourly, they added one too many zeros on the duration.
Anyone else notice the sniper perch has gone from 26 days left to 24 days left over the course of an hour only to go back up to 26 again?
I originally thought that there never was a flash sale intended since it's so close-ish to black friday, and that the notification was automatically generated whenever an item was put up as a "sale"; i.e. if there is any featured item, display the flash sale indicator....... but you raise a very good point with the days remaining changing, so that may be the case.
they dont realise how many people they have pissed off and they think everything is fine with the fake advertising
I'm still giving Grey Havens time to see if there will be an actual Flash Sale, considering Sunday is far from over yet. But at this point it's clear, atleast to me, that the Cocoa Snipe Perch was the intended "Flash Sales." According to history and according to the news message, most of the player base assumed that the Cocoa Snipe Perch would be separate from the supposed "Flash Sales." The Perch posted a few days before the weekend and will continue to be on the SD until longer after this weekend has past. The news message also specified "Flash Sales" in multiple items. In this way, many people assumed there would be a full blown Flash Sale, similar to the Cyber Monday sales in the past, leading them to buy Energy and leading the Energy market to spike.
It seems as though Grey Havens has simply reused an old picture and message and applied it to something that it shouldn't have been applied to, and that just feels lazy in my opinion. As a member of the community who really enjoys Flash Sales, but doesn't enjoy staying up late two nights in a row on the hope that they'll happen, I would ask that Grey Havens, in the future, look very carefully at the news messages being shown to players.
im pissed ive had 6 hours sleep in 2 days looking out for the flash sales and bought up e at silly prices, the crap stuff you get told from suport doesnt help in anyway and they dont give a stuff, flash sales for weekend the sniper runs for another 24days at least a dev come on and put us out of our misery no wonder people are pissed and want to quit
Clotho - Today at 10:24am:
There is indeed a flash sale in the Supply Depot and the Cocoa Snipe Perch is available right now. I have passed your feedback to the developers as it seems to be confusing.
what a scam the snipe didn't even start weekend it started midweek lol
The term "Flash Sale" has always been used to indicate that there are items for sale in the supply depot (and sometimes the Auction House) that aren't generally there and will only be there for a short amount of time. We never indicate what items will be on sale or how large the sale is going to be.
Sometimes we have traditionally large sales (like Cyber Monday), but not all flash sales have been, or will be, particularly large. We've been holding less of them in general because they take a significant amount of time to set up which is why I think many players felt it would mean a larger sale this time. The note in the news was intended to inform players that something out of the norm was for sale and they should take a gander at the Supply Depot. We certainly didn't intend to have players give up their free time just to watch the Supply Depot. We'd rather you were playing and enjoying the game.
I'm sorry the news item was confusing. We will try to make it more clear in the future. For example, we might remove the time restriction of "weekend" so people understand that they can look for the item(s) longer than that. We already added the UI change that indicates how long an item that's on a long sale would be available for. You probably noticed this with the snipe perch. Note that this time indicator wont be used if the sale wont be around very long since it's not a countdown and doesn't show the exact expire time.
We'll try to keep the word "flash" to indicate a quickly rotating set of items. However, we want to continue to post a news item if there is an unusual sale that players might be interested in. We don't want people to miss out on the opportunity to get something, like the Cocoa Snipe Perch, that aren't otherwise obtainable simply because it's not being sold with 20 other items.
well if it takes so much time to do flash sales just bring a dam box promo out with them doesnt seem to take you that long to do that does it ? and tbh the flash sale for the snipe perch has to be the worse item in the game , please listen to people in the game when they ask you to bring old promos back instead of re skins of old crap
Thanks for the clarification on that, Cronus. Looking forward to seeing what sort of goodies pop up in future specialty sales.
Some clarity would be nice from someone, it clearly said flash "sales" this weekend and all that is in the supply depot is a cocoa snipe perch thats there for an entire month not a weekend. Doesn't make sense.