Just a question

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Hello last time i played this game was 6 years ago, i remember i was a gunslinger and i remember my name since i still have a video on yt, now wanted to play again but seems like my charachter is not here anymore.. question is, has game been reset or ?


no the game has not been reset i was the same mine was still here

hm.. i am not sure if it was

hm.. i am not sure if it was another account.. im going to try create a charachter with my old name, if it works it means they deleted me

Bopp's picture
strongly doubt it

I have never heard of a single account or knight being deleted. I have knights that go years without playing, none of whom has been deleted. I have friend knights who have been offline since April 2011, who apparently have not been deleted.

Sorry, but I suspect that the error is on your end. Perhaps you are trying to log in using your knight name instead of your account name?

i just tried creating a char

i just tried creating a char with my old name and it says already exist.. problem now is i dont remember my username ( i am pretty sure to know the password )... what to do?

EDIT: OH YES I FOUND IT !!! thanks... that was the video i did https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWRGFepHEQQ
nothing special.. i think this was the first year of this game looks completely different i rly dunno where to start from.. 6 years

Bopp's picture
pretty similar

The game is pretty similar to how it was six years ago. The biggest change you missed was 2013-07-30, when the economy was reconfigured, battle sprites were introduced, etc. To read more about what has changed, try this wiki page:


Welcome back.