This is for entries only. Any questions/comments should be placed in the event thread here!
Entry Thread: Feeling Hard Pressed! Art event, deadline 11:59pm 25 Nov 2018 [ judging underway!]

I'm thankful for all the unique monster families that has kept the game fun and exciting after all these years!
(I would've tried to include all monster representatives of their families had I not realized the 5 leaves limit for the entry)
Knight Name: Fighting-Polygon
Creation Link: (gallery with 3 creation images)
Finished Link:
I am very much thankful for the numerous events Spiral Knights has to offer; they help bring the whole community together!
Knight Name: Poobloo
Creation Link (Materials):
Creation Link (Progress Sketch):
Finished Link:

I am Thankfull for all the years I spent playing Spiral Knights. I really had a rough time while being on college, Spiral Knights was my escape and it made it so much better. I am Thankfull it's still going, I love this game and it's irreplaceable.
I drew a gobble snipe, (I almost had an art block trying to go over board with stuff but the leaves weren't cooperating... drawing my knight with leaves is not... an easy task) I like the little creatures of haven and since they always come back for the time of thanksgiving I thought it'd be fitting. If not my apologies.
Knight Name: Lyrose
Creation Link (materials) :
Creation Link (Progress Sketch) : I'm aware it's not the same type of paper but it's my graphic diary instead... I just made a rough sketch of what I was going to re-draw in a clean page. While I was making the piece on a clean paper I didn't really need to do a pencil sketch and went straight to the drawing with my Micron Brush.
Finished Link: It didn't come out as previously planned in the rough sketch but I'm quite happy with it. It was challenging to put all the leaves together in one figure and still make a bit of sense out of it.
Overall enjoyable experience!

I'm really thankful for this awesome activity and Spiral-knights since I started playing. This game has its small place in my heart...always.
<<< Guarded >>>
Knight Name: Ainogommon
Creation Link (Materials):
Creation Link (Progress ):
Finished Link:
I'm thankful for this game continuing to exist even though it has a really small player base. The fact that you guys, Grey Havens, continue to support it. I could not stand to see this amazing game die.
Knight Name: Goldentaile
Creation Link(Materials):
Creation Link(Progress):
Finished Link:
Something all knights are thankful for; and something that Lego generally loses when he needs it most...
Knight Name: Legobuild
Creation Link:
Creation Link:
Finished Link: