Copper Lockbox

I completed dreams and nightmares earlier.
The wheel landed on a copper lockbox.
It received this because I opened other lockboxes.
They gloated about their genius on Twitter to one another.
Their genius failed.
They all have new jobs.
We're still here.
I got a shadow key from a box earlier.
They never intended for shadow keys to cost 1,800 energy.
We earned that.
They profited.
Early on a guild approached Three Rings on Facebook.
They became friends.
One of their guild masters paid for everything.
The other guild master got a purple spiral.
One of their guild masters doesn't play any more.
The other does.
My friends joined their guild.
It isn't what they say it is.
More of a "nursing home" than anything else.
Yet people apply to this day.
Today I ignore their legacy.
My life is better because of it.
The game masters do not ignore them.
Their guild runs the subreddit.
Their guild runs the discord.
I'm not a good fit for their guild.
I'm not a good fit to warrant attention.
Just to pay.
You probably aren't either.
But you're certainly fit to pay.
We earned that, too.
The copper lockbox contained a fancy pipe.
Ceci n'est pas une pipe.
Very few forumers use that avatar and think about 20th century French philosophy.