We take the money that is spent on the game and... get ready for it... after we pay for the servers... we hire someone to work on the game! :O :O :O
Could you imagine that? Someone could get paid to make levels and new weapons for Spiral Knights in addition to just art assets! This would be better than Christmas! Literally, since I hate Christmas!
But wait! WHAT IF- we can't afford someone? You might be wondering? Well you have all these crazy people that might be willing to help you, since the alternative is their favorite game fading out of existence... so here is the scary part- promise us content and pay the person by the level they make using the equivalent of a GoFundMe that runs on your own site! Except you want to reward those people, so give them energy for paying you.
That's right. Ask the players to buy your energy with the promise of someone working on content. See what happens. I dare you.