What the heck is a Stratum??

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Lava-Worrior's picture

I can't find the answer on the wiki or anywhere. So.. what exactly do people mean by a stratum? Also, I am a returning player. I just thought that this would be the best place for this question as I would imagine new players would want to know the same thing.

Bopp's picture
since launch

Strata have been in the game since launch. So you should remember them from your earlier time here. Anyway, try this wiki article:


Lava-Worrior's picture

So basically strata are groupings of depths within the tiers that all share a common theme? thank you again.

Sgt-Brownie's picture
"Erecting a Handgun Dispenser."

Interestingly enough, you can see in Haven's Arcade what kinds of Strata each current Gate has -- not that it really matters when we can know right away what exactly to expect from each gate nowadays, but it's still nice eye-candy.

Kelralph's picture

It's a series of depths.