As i was remapping my controls the other day, I came upon a button called "Strafe". C was assigned to it.
After testing it out everywhere, i found that it did nothing. Is Strafe supposed to do something?
How to use Strafe!
1) Press and hold the Strafe key
2) Move your mouse and notice your knight is no longer staring at your cursor
3) Click on the ground; the knight is now strafing in that direction.
4) use WASD movement instead of click-to-move, and forget the Strafe key exists
I remapped my keys so my mouse defends and attacks and just used the keys to move on my second day.
The strafe function allows your knight to face the same direction regardless of what else is happening in the game. For instance, your knight can face forward and run backward if you use the strafe button.
If you use the mouse to move then the strafe button is invaluable and makes things like kiting possible. But, the strafe button is useless if you use wasd or the arrow keys to move (although your knight still strafes when you hold down the button.)
Personally I have the strafe function unmapped. I use wasd to move and use the mouse to attack, block, and change weapons.
I never used the strafe button even when there were no WASD controls.
And I was a gunner.
It's totally useless, man.
I was confounded when I saw what default buttons the game suggested for me. Left click is move, right click is attack and X is defend? Who plays like that?
Yeah, I remapped both attack and defend to my mouse and got to using WASD within 10 seconds of emerging from my drop pod. This game is far too skill-based for people to be farting around with click-to-move. That sort of thing wouldn't pass muster in a click-and-kill game. It was barely serviceable in Diablo, let alone here.
Use WASD. Do not use click-to-move.
I was confounded when I saw what default buttons the game suggested for me. Left click is move, right click is attack and X is defend? Who plays like that?
Me, and have successfully since I joined.
Every keyboard/mouse player should be using the setup Fazan describes. It should be the default.
I played well over a month with the default controls and had absolutely no problems.
Some people can use certain setups better than others. Not all control setups are comfortable enough for everyone which is why we have an option to change them to our liking in the first place.
Dirt, I have to ask you, then, how you are able to shoot and/or slash in a direction different to the one you're moving in. The simplest example I can give is backing away from an enemy while simultaneously shooting at said enemy. Additionally, the charged attacks of practically any sword I've used is directional (even Calibur, as it it performs a little hop in the direction of the cursor), and I'm not sure how that works with click-to-move.
I don't question people's right to play with whatever key settings they like, but in a game of this nature, I firmly believe that the default should be WASD, as that's both much faster and much more accurate.
When I'm using a gun I use WASD. When I'm using my swords I use my mouse, same for bombs. I've just become accustomed to it, I guess. If anything I guess it's timing. I've had plenty of time to learn that and enemy patterns.
'' I firmly believe that the default should be WASD, as that's both much faster and much more accurate.''
That's personal opinion.
Someone else could say another setup is much faster and much more accurate.
I don't understand how WASD can be more accurate than the mouse. With the mouse you move in a full 360 degrees. WASD only allows you to move in eight directions.
"I don't understand how WASD can be more accurate than the mouse. With the mouse you move in a full 360 degrees. WASD only allows you to move in eight directions."
It doesn't need to be more accurate. The benefit is that you can aim while moving, and can instantly release your charged attack towards the enemy even if you were just moving in the opposite direction-- with mouse-move controls you'd have to waste half a second turning your guy around and hoping you managed to point your cursor in the right direction in your haste.
The Alchemers, Blaster and Antigua series allow you to move while shooting. Using click-to-move negates their advantage over the Magnus and Autogun series-- it would mean that while shooting at the enemy, the only direction you can move is TOWARDS them. And that defeats the (marginal) advantage that guns have over swords. If you try "swinging" your guy around to pop a quick shot off, you're more likely to miss or have the bullet's course affected by latency-- negating your entire weapon slot. Guns are weak enough as it is without having their advantages removed.
...Now. I think I've got you all beat. A few weeks ago I was stuck in FSC with a guy who exclusively used the arrow keys for movement, meaning he was locked to the 8 directions AND can't aim while moving. (No, he was not some kind of super master player doing it for the challenge. He was wearing stuff from the Cobalt line... in FSC. He died a lot. The other two players quit on the previous floor, and I was wishing I had done the same.)
It doesn't need to be more accurate.
I didn't say it did, but that's what he claimed~ that's both much faster and much more accurate.
Also, I play with a very high DPI setting on my mouse (I use a Logitech G500 Gaming Mouse) and it allows me to throw my mouse all over the screen at the slightest twitch. It's something I've developed while playing various first-person shooters and other games extensively. I'm extremely familiar with how my mouse handles and am very confident in my ability to be quick and accurate with it.
I definitely agree with you on guns. Like I said in my post, I use WASD for guns because moving with the mouse just isn't viable while trying to keep your distance and shoot.
As for me... when I'm using a gun, I use WASD to move, right-click to shoot, and middle-click to shield (I made sure to get rid of weapon changing on scrolling the wheel up/down, to prevent accidents). When I'm using a sword or bomb, I usually use the left mouse button to move, Z to attack, and X to shield. As far as I'm concerned, both methods have their uses, so I use both.
WASD isn't more accurate as a movement scheme, but there's very little in Spiral Knights that requires precise movement. The game world is split into a rather large-square grid which gives much leeway and the game lacks any platforming. Eight-directional movement is more than accurate enough for this.
What WASD+Mouse is more accurate with, however, is shooting while moving. In Spiral Knights, your aim is independent of your movement, which gives the knight unprecedented freedom of action, especially with a gun. Crucially, the game more or less expects you to be controlling your movement AND your aim simultaneously, something that the Strafe button does not allow you to do. In fact, here's an example of something I don't think you can do with the Strafe key: Circle around a gunpuppy faster than it can turn, shooting a pistol at it the entire time. To do this, you need to control both your movement direction and your aim constantly and simultaneously.
If anyone's interested in seeing a top-down shooter done horribly wrong, look for Millennium Soldier - Expendable:
This game has the worst controls I have ever seen, and I've seen some bad controls. You control solely with the keyboard (at least the second player in co-op does), and you control via forward, back, left and right rotate, as well as left and right strafe keys. You shoot where you're rotated to look, and doing any of the fancy footwork we take for granted here in Spiral Knights puts your fingers in a knot.
Have you even tried playing like that? Silly question. You obviously haven't if you're making that suggestion. It is impossible to play Spiral Knights with a console controller.
Using WASD to move isn't about accuracy. It's about doing multiple things at once easier. You don't have to worry about clicking to move without being able to keep your aim on something. You move and attack at the same time rather than..
Okay now turn back around
NOW you can attack.
Even better if you put defend on your mouse instead of move. It's like the default control scheme wants you to get your sweet armored booty kicked.
Really, I've had great luck with a dual analog gotten me through many a jelly king.
I absolutely LOVE my USB Xbox controller for Spiral Knights!! It has improved my game exponentially since I configured it. WASD had me running into poisonous plants, etc. while watching where I was aiming. Suggest you give it a try. I have mine mapped thusly: RT-Attack, LT-Shield, RB/LB-Weapons Switch, LS-Move, RS-Aim, Dpad-Call outs (Attack! Back! etc.), oh and the buttons to the vials slots in the top of the screen. Purely awesome IMHO!
The Bane
Strafe allows you to strafe, it works as intended. You hold the button and strafe.