Remember when Nick lied straight to our faces about shard bombs?
There's a clear contradiction in his statement, and the contradiction is that power for the bombs was more than cut in half. Here, I'll mathematically prove it:
Here's the old damage table if you want to play along.
At depth 19, the 4* Radiant Sun Shards did 185 damage to undead and 138 to true neutral enemies like shankles and whisps. Extrapolating, the difference between the two is 47, meaning the shards would do 232 damage to a theoretical double weak enemy, weak to both elements. Extrapolating further, we add the the 45 defense that enemies on depth 19 have to both elements and end up with 310 damage. That splits up into 155 piercing, 155 elemental damage. It could do this damage up to 9 times.
The Wiki is missing damage numbers for 4* shard bombs, so let's compare this 4* weapon with a 5* one like Scintillating Sun Shards.
At depths 19, Sctintillating Sun Shards does 103 damage to beasts and 60 to neutral enemies. You can already see that effective damage is basically half and neutral damage is worse than half. Adding up pure, undefended damage we get a value of 148 damage. It can do this damage 2 times in addition to the core's reduced damage.
You guys are seeing this too, right? Not only did they straight up remove 1 damage bar. The remaining damage bar was reduced. And this is the 5* version, which means the 4* version was reduced even further.
Not even getting into the hit limit business and how difficult these bombs are to use, the fix is simple: Up the deeps. I'd say giving it 50% more damage would bring it back to a roughly equivalent damage level of what it used to have.
Fixing invincitinks was a good start. Let's see a good finish as well.
I'm having trouble following your proof.
Didn't old shards only have 8 projectiles (not 9)?
Can't new shards hit in areas, so you get 9 area damage attacks (can hit multiple enemies)?
If you're in a crowded area and each of the new shards hit 2 enemies (not unreasonable in a compound)... doesn't that mean that it's dealing roughly 1.25x the damage of old shards (18*103 compared to 8*185)?
Is that proof that the new sun shards deal more damage?