Entries only here for the 'Knock Yourself Out' category. Discussions/Questions go here
Cradle of Love! A Spiral Knights Valentine Event! [2019 Edition!] Knock Yourself Out Entry thread!
Knight name: Drury-Lane
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask
Knight Name: Electroburst
Link to entry image: https://imgur.com/nuwEaPH
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask
Knight Name: Fighting-Polygon
Twitter Name:@DrawingPolygon
Link to entry image: https://www.deviantart.com/fightingpolygon/art/Chocolate-Painting-Spiral...
Link to album: https://imgur.com/gallery/k906CEF
Prize preference: Heart eyes
My back hurts from bending over so much :')
Knight Name: Bahrumar
Link to Entry: https://youtu.be/vaWhgUXXodk
Prize Preference: Forever Love Puppy Mask
Knight Name: Waitea
Link to entry image: https://i.imgur.com/1rgGjuh.gifv
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask
By the way, I can't link my steam account for this wiki, thus a different Knight name.
Knight Name: genieiskewl
Link to entry image: entry!
Prize preference: love aura
Tweet: genieartsu
Knight name: Pikatazu
Link: https://www.deviantart.com/fenra1/art/Sk-Valentines-785659544?ga_submit_...
(my proof of being the original artist is in the bottom left corner, it is rather small so zoom in, should still be visible though!)
Prize Preference: Forever love puppy mask