So I've been giving some thoughts as to where we bombers stand, and we're pretty good? But I see all these swords that do AoE and shoot projectiles, and all these guns that also do AoE and shoot projectiles when it hit me: we need a projectile shooting bomb! Nice for hitting those distant targets and switches and such.
It'd be like a claymore mine or something? But bombs don't get aimed, so the spread would be completely circular. We don't wanna go overboard with the projectiles, so maybe stick to somewhere between 6 and 10 of them.
Regarding damage type, I think us bombers lack a good elemental damage option, so I'd want it to be that. But claymore mines don't strike me as an elemental thing, so maybe it could be split elemental/normal like the brandishes? You could probably invent something by giving it a unique aesthetic like it's made of magical minerals or whatever.
I belive in you guys, I'm sure you can fill this void in our bomber arsenal!
ThE rAdIaNt SuN sHaRdS aReN't WoRkInG aS iNtEnDeD aCtInG lIkE a GuN bUt ThE mEleE gUnS aNd ShOoTiNg SwOrDs ArE jUsT fInE aS tHeY aLsO hAvE aBoUt As MuCh ArEa Of EfFeCt As BoMbS aNd CaN rEnDeR tHeM oBsOlEtE.