We've gotten a handful of items on the supply depot which are exclusive to the supply depot. Usually they're old promo items in unique colorschemes, but nonetheless they're here for a limited time as a set price, and then they're gone (presumably forever).
So, much like we have the surprise boxes for the last year of promos, I figured we should consider a surprise box for all the last year's unique supply depot items available for purchase, from the supply depot, come the anniversary.
(I'd also love to see past surprise boxes be available for purchase too, year round or for the anniversary, but that's a different suggestion altogether)
I actually really like that my 50 dollar cocoa snipe perch will probably never be featured again, and that I'm somehow unique for owning it. It gives me a false sense of superiority over other players, which fills the gaping hole in my life. If anything, they should copy the Gucci strategy- make say, the normal colors drastically cheaper (say, 100 ce each), and then have up the dangerous variant for 1000 times moreish at around 100,000 CE for a set.