Due to your small staff I completely understand why you can’t produce big updates to the game but updating and managing PvP can help keep the game active and healthy. The blast network community has noticed that you do regularly update lockdown but have not come out with a blast network update for 7 years. Lockdown player rates have dropped very low in in the past 3 months while the BN community continues to stay active every day. But we can not help but feel overlooked by the staff and the community as a whole considering even our leaderboards our broken, while the lockdown leaderboards stay updated. We have several ideas for easy and realistic maps that can be produced in a time consistent manner. Even if that is not possible at this time we do feel like we have the right to check our scores and play our game we love without constant glitches and bugs.
Ignoring the BN Community
Sat, 03/30/2019 - 14:50
Sun, 04/28/2019 - 05:25
More Maps
One thing they could add to blast network probably IMO is more maps as I feel the maps are pretty bland atm and sometimes you can accidentally glitch inside of blocks...
There was one time where I also got hit when I was behind a wall because I was slightly inside the block and the explosion hit me from the other side...
Tue, 04/30/2019 - 18:19
Do I see you playing blast network at all? I think not. One of the main things is adding new maps which by itself is available for lots of creative and fun ideas.
I mean, what changes would you do for blast network to make it more interesting? Lockdown has a lot more going on with it that makes new interesting gamemode a given.
The only real way to make blast network more interesting is to have cycling modes that let players survive a single hit and perhaps increase the buff limits. There's not much you can do in there like you can with lockdown since it's already untiered, allows costumes, autotarget-less, and has no control points to put hazards on.