Costume Weapons

Why can you costume armors and shields, but not weapons? I would really like to be able to costume my swords and guns..

^Can equip only gears categorized as a weapon costume but the weapons themselves cannot be equipped as a weapon costume.
That would be great, but each weapon costume should be limited to a specific weapon/weapon line only...
Like a buccaneer broadsider costume can only be equipped to magnus/tundrus line only and caladbolg costume for fire brandish line only.

Do allow normal weapons to be used as costumes, but to avoid awkwardness with VFX, restrict all weapons to be used as costumes for only weapons that behave similarly, yeah.

I can understand the desire that the kids want matching pixel costumes, weapons and all, but given the relative complexity of weapon mechanics in the game (damage amount, damage type, attack animation, status, range.....imagine how much it would mess up lockdown if you get hit by a proto sword and take combuster damage....or hit by a combuster and take AAcheron damage), it would be too silly.
But you know what, if it would keep people playing, then I'd say go for it. Though tbh I find content updates like the treasure vault to be far more exciting and better for game longevity than cosmetics.
In your plan, can you costume a short sword with a long sword? Can you costume Leviathan (spin charge attacks, no projectiles) with Divine Avenger (massive projectiles)? Won't it cause confusion? "My attacks seem to be hitting the target, but no damage happens!"
Are you planning to ignore these problems? ("If it confuses you, then don't costume your weapons.") If not, what is the fix?
Similar remarks apply to gun range, bomb radius, shards, ricochets, etc.