Recently, I've been messing around w/ the idea of using the DVS to cause poison when initiating a fight or to just finish off low-health monsters.
1.) I am only using the DVS as a utility weapon to inflict poison. Would you say the DVS used this way is high-tier/low-tier/casual/etc.?
2.) To my knowledge, there is no way to increase the chance of causing poison (for example). Is that correct?
3.) The DVS has a SLIGHT chance of inflicting STRONG poison. I've seen conflicting data, so is there a definitive answer on what SLIGHT and STRONG mean?
I would also just like to hear what everyone thinks about the DVS.
I like to see players trying out these less-used weapons. The Cutter-line swords are great fun.
1. Not many people use DVS for spreading poison. It has short range and only slight chance. Consider Venom Veiler, Obsidian Crusher, etc. Even Obsidian Edge might be better than DVS for this purpose.
2. Correct.
3. I'm no expert on statuses. You might try the wiki pages "Status effect" and "Poison". You might also try this research thread, which has not been completely integrated into the wiki: