G'day all, Oceanic player here
Inquiring about tips to compensate for latency and stop hitting <1000 dpm
If it's not possible, give it to me straight
If it is, feel free to berrate me to your hearts contempt
G'day all, Oceanic player here
Inquiring about tips to compensate for latency and stop hitting <1000 dpm
If it's not possible, give it to me straight
If it is, feel free to berrate me to your hearts contempt
It seems so
Guess i'll just have to do what I can, and that is dance around with a poker
Thank you for your time
Hopeless I think, I also have the same problem, unstable 320-360ms that can sometimes jump to 400-500, rarely 500-900.
I used to complain 24/7 last year and asks for solution endlessly... sht ISPs here makes it worse.
Now I gave up and just play LD with wierd loadout for shts and giggles... although getting atleast 10-17kdmg is still highly possible, it's hard to earn it especially on matches with 4-5 bar seasoned vets.
Tbh I really hate it when 4-5 bar ppls can get 15-25k dmg by just spamming arcana and acheron combos.
http://prntscr.com/oavzb7 (this is me)
http://prntscr.com/o8ibhi (One time, latency jumps to 920ms for unknown reason, the delay is so bad that your bullets appears to float)
https://prnt.sc/n3766n (this delay is no joke, I got hit by someone on LD almost across the screen.)