We waited too long for an update and thats not to say its a bad update, its really cool, solid and super well done. But can we expect more updates in the future? no need to wait long for such a big update when small changes can be done and small additions to the game over time can be done, you'll see the game will get better if you do this and im looking forward to something like that.
Now that we got a new update can we expect more smaller updates on the way?

Probably not. I tell them to change for the better and make wonderful things often and small. Beautiful things. Small images. Tiny images. Qualia. To love and live their life. But they don't because they are stuck in their old ways and don't want to and I don't have a problem with that. I just wish they would live and love. Live and love brother. Live and love.
Im still hoping they start bumping small updates per week, doesn't need to be huge there can be small changes and additions, maybe new enemies per week or a new weapon or themed dungeon or something, hopefully they change their ways cause if we waited 3 years for this then im jumping out of the ship, I get that the game is old and its not as good as it used to be and that the team size is small, but 3 years for "Treasure vault" I don't know if its just me but I really want to know what went on during those 3 years, because they have been releasing promos every month and recycled events every 2-4 months with nothing new at all, and the new weapons they have released can only be obtained with real cash.
A) they're being lazy and not looking to bump out new content and are just looking for some cash, or at least thats what they show with promos every month.
B)Team size is very small and they don't have much ideas for the game.
C) What were you doing during all these 3 years? Im sure the update you bumped out doesn't take 3 years.
I know this sounds as if I was trying to be negative after we got a new update, but you need to understand, me and a lot of people have been here for very very very long knowing that the game is not on a good state, want an example? Radiant fire crystals, a lot of people complain about them about how long it takes to get another level for another 5 stars weapon because you barely find Radiants, nothing has been done about it and its a complaint that has been made since they launched, sure we get a prize box sometimes but its RNG, the fact that you can't level up a weapon because of RNG just doesn't make sense to me, like seriously, theres so many small suggestions that have been done during all these 3 years Grey Havens has had the game rights and license, im sure the team isn't big and its just as small as an indie development team but even then changes could be done, there should be more interaction with the community if thats the case, theres a lot of good and small suggestions that wouldn't take much time and thought to implement into the game.
I guess what im trying to say is that I love the new update, but 3 years for this isn't a worthy payoff and things need to change.

Something that would be really cool to see would be if the devs gave weekly or monthly updates on what they are working on. At the very least, a dev should hop on and let us know what major data they have collected and what they plan on doing with it.
Ex: A lot of players wanted more loot. Here is what we are going to do. etc. etc.

My suggestions:
1.) The room where you're confined with glop drop generators and echo boxes, needs a bigger space.
2.) I think razor traps should be 10-15% slower.
3.) Glop drops should have a good chance of dropping hearts and slime tokens.
4.) Buff overall loots, like T3 death vaults would give you approximate 3k/run.

Maybe you meant to post Treasure Vault feedback in this other thread over here:
Cronus said this in the announcement thread:
"Please be aware that we will be spending some time collecting feedback and evaluating it. I wouldn't expect an update/changes for a bit unless something critical happens."