Goodbye everyone, Farewell.

Farewell Knights, please do all you can to stay safe, take care. May we meet again in another part of the gaming world.

Weekend bump, i am now buying a Misplaced Promissory Note! I already have one from a drop but had no luck in obtaining a 2nd one, wish to have for collection and testing.
Happy trading and safe travels. ;)

2nd Misplaced Promissory Note has officially been brought, thank you to the seller! Removed from WTB listing in response.

Bump because i had a Misplaced Promissory Note drop not long after i brought one, (Game itself literally scammed me but oh well) up for sell for 500Kc.

Bump 24.0, Happy Late Christmas/Boxing Day!

Early Bump 25.0, happy 2020! Thread has been expanded with more items, including Winterfest, Materials and Sprite Food.

Late Bump 27.0, forgot to do so yesterday.

Update changes to stocking rules:
The restocking amount for Materials to be on sell has been lowered across the board after this post, i will now reopen any of them for sell when i have just 10+ of them in stock.
Mineral stockage reopening for all three will be massively reduced to just 250, in order to increase the rate Sprite Food is available especially for 5 Stars.
This is also now in effect as of this post.
Reasons for these changes:
The required amount in order begin reselling Materials/Sprite Food was simply too high by my rulings and made my offerings very limited, especially for 5 Star Materials and Sprite Food. This is to have them open way more often, and to be more accessible and friendly to the lesser Knights who missed out buying them.
Another reason is due to the ongoing crisis happening in the real world, as many would know as COVID-19, or as fully called the Coronavirus.
With many of us having to isolate and stay in our homes, Schools/Colleges/Universities closing down, and being layed off from our jobs, the amount of players being active on Spiral Knights has significantly increased, as well as demand for Materials and Sprite Food.
I wish to help by making my offerings way more accessible for all kinds of Knights, including for those that have just started to play or are in their early stages of playtime.
We all need eachother in these hard times, please stay safe out there!

I have now opened up a new service which has been on my thoughts for quite some time, i will now look out for recipes that people need while doing runs of the Arcade. More info can be found back above on the updated main post, including recipe prices.
Happy safe travels in the Clockworks, willing to lend folks a hand.

Early bump, willing to buy a CTR VH+ASI High Autogun/Needle line.

Re-post, The Bazaar section got reverted and so did comments being lost.
Now buying a Daybreaker Band, CTR VH+ASI H Autogun/Blitz line on hold.
Early bump but a big thank you to the person that gave me a rough estimate of price ranges for these items, adjusted accordingly as i ain't a greedy fellow. (Gifted them a Citrine Slime Lockbox in return as a thank you)
Previously was looking for price checks, but now opening up. Details back above.
EDIT: Fixed an error and forgot to list an Garnet Slime Lockbox, now up for sell.
EDIT2: Whoops another error, i forgot the 2 Day Trinket Slot Upgrade was bound. My apologies to the person who wished to buy it, fixed and removed.