1.) Needs more base dmg, atleast 20-30 more dmg/swing.
2.) Remove knockback on charge attack, make monsters flinch upon hit.
1.) Needs more base dmg, atleast 20-30 more dmg/swing.
2.) Remove knockback on charge attack, make monsters flinch upon hit.
The long-distance knockback has a few cons imo:
1.) Not party-friendly
- Party DPS killer.
- Scatters/flings monsters that puts party members on risk of getting hit.
2.) Prevents full dmg on charge attack unless the target is on the edge/corner.
If not remove knockback, maybe make it 80% weaker?
or knockback only on 2nd or 3rd hit of charge attack?
If you hit something at the right angle with it, it deals all three hits + the knockback. The point of the charge is to get things that are in your face out of your face, but keeping it on the second/third hit and removing it from the first wouldn't be bad.
Usually diagonally against something instead of directly facing it. Kind of in the same angle one would fire an alchemer charge to get all the bullets to hit inside the target. It's slightly easier with a Cold Iron Vanquisher due to the lower knockback, but it can definitely happen with a Leviathan Blade as well.
I agree with 20-30 base dmg increase and monster flinch upon hit.
but I don't agree with removing knockback on charge attack
please GH