(Felixus) Searching for my dear guildmates

It's been a while since I've played SK and I can barely find anyone who was in Felixus. This was my previous guild which I was recruited into 3 years back. (I think) Right now I've noticed that my alt is no longer in Felixus and I've been searching for those I remember. Solarsoniclol, Bentren, Professor-Delta are ones that I can name. I'd like to know if Felixus has totally died or if there are still active members in there.

Hey dude! I know those guys! I remember doing FSC raids with Solarsoniclol and Proffesor-Delta! I was a veteran in Felixus back in the day before high school made it hard to find the time for guild activities. I recently stumbled upon an ex-felixus member on discord and he says that
"felixus is sorta no more but not really
I revived it and went back to the old ways of leading it, changing the name back to the original name before merging with another guild to become Felixus
We are now Embermist Scavengers again and I made a new discord in order to archive everything"
Currently his discord tag is Broseph#3624. If my memory serves me correctly, his SK username is Vohtarak. He was an officer back in the day. Message him on Discord.
You could also just mail Delta and the others in game and ask.
Glad to see a fellow Felixus member! :D
EDIT: I'll message him on discord with this forum link telling him about you
EDIT 2: the guy I messaged on discord is not Vohtarak but Delta himself. TLDR Vohtarak is a jerk now and was exiled by Xacre, don't message him. Delta owns the guild, though he doesn't actively play anymore.
It might help if you mentioned Felixus in the subject of your thread. (You can edit the original post and change the thread name.)
Sorry, but I haven't heard of Felixus.
Welcome back.