So... it's time for a Glacies style post about something nobody cares about.
Have you ever wondered how many breakable gravestones there are in the Grasping Plateau? No? Well it was only a matter of time before somebody with too much free time on their hands actually sat down solo and started counting.
Keep in mind that I do believe the actual number of gravestones and their contents are randomized, so do not take this data as absolute but more like a very rough sample that points towards some average behavior.
Without further ado, here are the results based on a single Grasping Plateu at depth 27:
Total number of breakable gravestones: 349
Empty gravestones: 267 ( relative: 76.50429799 % )
Gravestones containing Souls: 23 ( 6.59025788 % )
Gravestones containing Scarabs: 33 ( 9.455587393 % )
Gravestones containing Bombies: 24 ( 6.8767990831 % )
Glitchy Gravestones: 2
Wait, what are glitchy gravestones you ask? Well it has occured me quite some times already that very rarely when destroying a gravestone that's empty the "green ring of light" effect that appears when a grave is destroyed is unusually emphasized, sometimes even covering the entire screen while other times is just bigger than usual. I thought maybe they were related to the number of gravestones destroyed currently, but that was quickly disproven when I got another glitchy gravestone right after destroying one. Just for reference, I got the first one when I had destroyed 210 gravestones.
And before Bopp shows up, yes I did check the forums to see if something similar has been posted before but I did not find anything relevant. And yes Bopp, I know the forum search engine is slow so I used the "site:" command of Google.
What do you think about these numbers? Do you think they're reasonable? Do they match the experience you've had with the Grasping Plateau ?
(I'm just joking, no offense to you Bopp)
People like knowing what to expect from the Grasping Plateau. So I'm not even sure that this study is worthless. Thanks for posting. :)